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Title: | 循環經濟的商業模式-以租用容器為例 Business Model of Circular Economy: A Case Study of Container Rental |
Authors: | 劉芊瑩 Liu, Chien-Ying |
Contributors: | 曾國峰 Tseng, Kuo-Feng 劉芊瑩 Liu, Chien-Ying |
Keywords: | 循環經濟 商業模式 價值主張 租用容器 Circular economy Business model Value proposition Container rental |
Date: | 2023 |
Issue Date: | 2023-03-09 18:01:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 循環經濟定義為資源可回復且可再生的經濟和產業系統,租用容器產業符合循環經濟「製造—使用—循環(Make-Use-Circulate)」的模式,透過設計、商業模式提升資源效率,並從源頭避免一次性容器廢棄物的產生。
依據研究結果,針對租用容器業者提出建議,包括應提升租借容器消毒清洗的資訊揭露;與專業的第三方檢驗單位合作,制定更有力度的清潔規範;租借歸還的彈性模式;租借容器服務配合線上點餐;關注連鎖店提供循環杯所產生的商業規模變化,及針對後續研究提出建議。 The definition of the circular economy is an economic and industrial system in which resources are renewable and recoverable. The container rental industry fits the "Make-Use-Circulate" model of the circular economy, which improves resource efficiency through design and business models, and avoids the generation of disposable container waste at the source. This study used a case study method to explore the business model developed under the concept of the circular economy, with a container rental company as the research object. Through interviews with key executives, consumers, and partners of the case company, combined with value propositions and business model diagrams, this study summarized the economic innovative business models that the case company can execute in the future, and obtained the following research conclusions:
Value proposition of end-users: End-users hope to have a "convenient, safe, and hygienic rental container experience." The case company`s value map and end-user customer profiles have moderate compatibility, and its products and services can basically meet customer tasks, but have not yet solved most of the end-users` pain points. Therefore, this study believes that the container rental business concept and starting point are good, but the rental process and return points are not yet perfect, the disclosure of cleaning and disinfection information is insufficient, and there is a lack of promotion and marketing, which will limit the usage rate of end-users.
Innovative business models of the case company: Container rental companies have key resource advantages, fewer competitors in the industry, and have formed stable profit models. Due to government plastic reduction policy regulations, container rental companies have greatly increased development opportunities, but they also need to face the challenge of external epidemic impact.
Based on the research results, recommendations were made for container rental companies, including improving the disclosure of information on container disinfection and cleaning, cooperating with professional third-party inspection units to formulate more powerful cleaning specifications, allowing consumers to rent multiple containers with a unified return model, providing container rental services to match online ordering, and cooperating with chain stores to improve promotion efficiency, and suggestions for further research. |
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