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Title: | 從正規的教師培育訓練到非正式的教學場域: 個案研究一位線上英語教師的教師動能 Taking Formal Teacher Education to the Informal Online Teaching Context: A Study on Language Teacher Agency of an Online Teacher in Taiwan |
Authors: | 施蘊珊 Shih, Yun-Shan |
Contributors: | 招靜琪 Chao, Chin-chi 施蘊珊 Shih, Yun-Shan |
Keywords: | 教師動能 生態理論教師動能 質性研究 英語線上教學 敘事訪談 Language Teacher Agency The Ecological Framework of Teacher Agency Qualitative Study Online English Teaching Narrative Interview |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-02-08 15:33:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在線上英語教學網站如火如荼地興起的時代,探討線上教學教師的經驗也顯得格外重要。本文以質性研究的方式探討一位受過正規英語教師教育學程的老師在經歷實習的訓練與衝擊之後,如何決定放棄於學校任教而走入非正規的、新興的英語線上教學的歷程。其中,研究重點為她是如何發揮語言教師動能(language teacher agency) 以解決過程中所面臨到的挑戰與衝突,並進一步探究此歷程能帶給即將踏入教學現場的新生代英語教師們的啟發。 本文主要以四次的敘事訪談與藉由四部教學影片以進行課室觀察的方式進行資料搜集,接著以關鍵事件分析(Critical Event Analysis) 進行資料分析,釐清研究參與者的重要事件。再以 Priestley, Biesta and Robinson (2013) 之「生態理論教師動能」理論架構,剖析研究參與者Judy的過去、現在,與未來歷程,進而延伸出本文對於從正規教學場域到線上教學歷程的發現。藉由Judy的故事,可觀察到她是如何做出各項抉擇,處理處理過去與現在的衝突與矛盾,最後找到最適合自己的線上教師定位及角色。盼能藉由此分析與探討,啟發未來的新興英文教師在選擇職涯方向時,能有更多元的思考方向與選擇。此外,也希望藉由此文引起更多研究者對於台灣英語線上教學的興趣與研究。 This is a qualitative study which aims at probing into how an English teacher who graduated from a formal teacher education program and with an MA in TESOL, exerted her teacher agency to transform herself into an online English teacher that matches well her identities as a language teacher. The results of this study could provide the future novice English teachers a different path for planning their career. Collected data include four in-depth narrative interviews and four recorded videos taken as classroom observation. To analyze the data, Critical Event Analysis was first adopted. In addition, the ecological framework of teacher agency (Priestley, Biesta and Robinson, 2015) was applied as the theoretical framework to examine the participant’s language learning and teaching journey. With the framework, Judy’s stories were analyzed from three aspects: the past, the present, and the future in examining how she made her decisions throughout the journey. Judy’s stories reveal how she made informed decisions along the way, dealt with the conflicts between her past and the present, and gradually found her own path to be an online English teacher that she could continue at least in the near future. The result invites more opportunities to probe into online teaching contexts which have been springing up like mushrooms nowadays as an alternative career choice for novice English teachers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 104951005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104951005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英語教學碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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