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Title: | 經濟平等與免於屈從之自由:論洛克財產權理論中的慈善與勞動 Economic Equality and the Freedom From Subjection: The Concepts of Charity and Labor in Locke`s Theory of Property Rights |
Authors: | 黃天輿 Huang, Tien-Yu |
Contributors: | 周家瑜 Chou, Chia-Yu 黃天輿 Huang, Tien-Yu |
Keywords: | 約翰.洛克 財產權 經濟平等 免於屈從之自由 John Locke Property Rights Economic Equality Freedom From Subjection |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-02-08 15:27:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文分析約翰.洛克的財產權理論,並從洛克《政府論》的整體關懷出發,主張一種新的觀點:對於免於屈從之自由保障有其必要性。傳統詮釋認為洛克式的政府應是盡量減少干預的小政府(minimalist government)才能保障財產權,與之相反的是,本文主張在政治社會中政府有必要適當的透過政治權力介入經濟的安排,以緩解貨幣化後的經濟不平等與隨之而來對人們免於屈從之自由及自我保存的威脅,本文所提出經濟不平等的政治解方,即是政府應藉由慈善義務的履行與勞動制度的改革促進經濟平等,以更全面的在政治社會中保障免於屈從之自由。 In this thesis, I analyze Locke`s theory of property rights, and the whole concern in John Locke`s Two Treatises of Government. I argue for a new perspective: the need for protection of freedom from subjection. Contrary to the traditional interpretation that Lockean government should be a minimalist government in order to protect property rights, I argue that in a Lockean political society, the government is obliged to intervene in economic arrangements through political power in order to alleviate the economic inequality after monetization to avoid the consequent threat to the freedom from subjection and self-preservation. To comprehensively protect the freedom from subjection in the political society, I argue that Locke proposes political solutions to economic inequality: the government should facilitate economic equality by fulfilling the obligation of charity and reforming the labor system. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治學系 109252019 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109252019 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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