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    题名: 在新冠肺炎下草根創新之協調機制應用-以 g0v 為例
    Coordination Mechanisms of Grassroots Innovation for COVID-19 Crisis Response - A Case Study of g0v
    作者: 陳錇淇
    Chen, Pei-Chi
    贡献者: 張欣綠
    Chang, Hsin-lu
    Chen, Pei-Chi
    关键词: 草根創新
    Grassroots Innovation
    Coordination Mechanism
    Socio-Technical System Theory
    Crisis Management
    日期: 2022
    上传时间: 2023-02-01 15:05:43 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 當 COVID-19 為整體社會帶來生活、經濟、交通上諸多不便時,台灣的草
    根創新的影響力仍持續擴大。在此研究中的個案-g0v,他們是一個草根式的公 民社群,社群成員都可以依照自己的喜好和需求建立專案,多數專案透過線上 交流的方式來開發,由下而上公民自發行為缺乏領導者,特別是在疫情這種緊 急又長期影響的情況下在專案管理上會遇到大大小小的挑戰,而在此研究中, 我們發現社群中有些協調機制可以克服這些挑戰並且在疫情期間快速產出許多 專案像是口罩地圖、疫苖地圖等,透過科技和資訊透明為民眾降低恐慌並帶來 更多便利及安定。我們透過社會技術系統理論的視角進行個案分析,了解其社 群内運作模式在疫情下會遇到許多不同面向的挑戰,透過找到不同挑戰找到社 群中其在應對危機時的協調機制為何,再進一步去討論這些協作機制在不同專 案大小和資源之應用,以期為草根創新在危機管理上多一份參考。
    While COVID-19 continues to impose many inconveniences on society in different ways, the influence of grassroots innovations in Taiwan continues to expand. The case in this study is g0v, a grassroots civic community dedicated to deepening citizens’ contributions to society. There is no leader, and no one can represent g0v. Everyone can build a project according to their preferences and needs. Most of the time, the projects run online. There are still many challenges in the process of developing projects during the pandemic. We found that g0v’s coordination mechanisms can overcome these challenges and produce many projects, such as mask maps and vaccine maps, that could help reduce panic buying through technology and information transparency. Using socio-technical system theory as the theoretical lens, we investigate different challenges, identify the coordination mechanisms in the community in response to the crisis, and discuss the application of these coordination mechanisms to different types and sizes of projects and levels of resource support. We expect that the case findings will provide advice for the grassroots innovation community in crisis management.
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