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Title: | 產品自我一致性對無性別時尚消費者購買意圖影響之研究 Examining the effect of self-product congruence on purchase intention in the context of genderless fashion |
Authors: | 林奕瑄 Lin, I-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 林芝璇 Lin, Jhih-Syuan 林奕瑄 Lin, I-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 無性別時尚 產品自我一致性 品牌親密 購買意願 品牌溫暖 Brand Warmth Genderless Fashion Self-Product Congruence Brand Intimacy Purchase Intention |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-02-01 14:16:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近百年來,時尚產業發生了許多變化與革新,並開始以服飾作為敘事的載體,透過在設計上模糊陳規的性別界線,以反映社會價值觀的轉變。無性別時尚(genderless fashion)的出現,便是因為消費者開始關注性別角色認同與個人展演下的產物。無性別時尚與傳統時尚產業中既定的男女裝概念大相徑庭,在設計服裝時未指定以特定性別為設計對象,而是聚焦在跨出性別框架的理想,以突破性別刻板印象為目的的時尚趨勢。 由於消費者具有將服裝納入自我概念建構的內在動機,使時尚相關研究常以自我一致性為討論核心。因此,本研究以三構面的產品自我一致性理論作為概念模型基礎,探索無性別時尚與消費者真實自我、理想自我與理想社會自我一致性,和消費者的品牌親密性感知之間的關聯。本研究假設,當品牌透過推出無性別時尚產品表達對多元性別議題的重視時,能與消費者不同面向的自我概念產生連結,提升品牌親密性;而品牌親密性反映著消費者從品牌獲得的關懷與理解,故可作為衡量購買意願的指標。此外,本研究也試圖從消費者所感知的品牌溫暖,進一步梳理品牌推出無性別時尚對消費者心理面的影響。 本研究採用網路問卷調查法,以Z世代消費者為受測者,收集了共245份有效樣本。本研究採取階層迴歸分析(Hierarchical Regression Analysis)與Hayes的Process分析模組之模型1進行假設驗證,並以模型4、模型7進行後設分析。研究結果發現,產品真實自我一致性、產品理想自我一致性、產品理想社會自我一致性分別與品牌親密存在正向關係,即產品自我一致性能提升消費者對推出無性別時尚之品牌付出情感、與之建立關係的意願。研究結果也發現,品牌親密與購買意願之間為正向關係,代表品牌提供消費者情感上的價值與象徵意義,能提升消費者的購買意願。然而,研究結果顯示,品牌溫暖僅部分調節產品理想社會自我一致性與品牌親密之間的關係,並未調節產品真實自我一致性、產品理想自我一致性與品牌親密的關係。 本研究推論,由於品牌推出無性別服飾滿足Z世代族群向同儕表達對性別議題信念的需求(滿足社會認同動機),進而達到理想社會自我一致,並且感受其中的品牌溫暖。具體而言,消費者感知品牌溫暖程度越高,越能對品牌產生更高的親密感,而當無性別時尚越能滿足理想社會自我一致性時,理想社會自我一致性與品牌親密的關係會隨品牌溫暖而增加。本研究的後設分析進一步證實,品牌親密中介產品理想自我一致性與購買意願之間的正向關係。雖然品牌溫暖正向調節產品理想社會自我一致性與品牌親密之間的關係,但調節中介模型的結果為不顯著。綜合上述結果,本研究針對無性別時尚對建立品牌與消費者關係的貢獻進行討論,並提出研究結果的學術與實務性意涵,供後續品牌行銷實務及相關領域研究參考。 In the past century, many changes and innovations have taken place in the fashion industry. By blurring stereotyped gender boundaries, clothing has been employed as a narrative carrier, reflecting changes in social values. The phenomenon has led to the emergence of genderless fashion. Genderless fashion is very different from the traditional design concept that distinguishes men’s and women’s clothing. It does not specify any gender as the design object but rather focuses on the idea of breaking through gender stereotypes.
Because consumers have intrinsic motives to incorporate clothing into the process of self-identity construction, relevant research has examined how self-congruence may have an impact on consumer behavior. In light of that, this study builds on the three-dimensional self-product congruence theory to develop a conceptual model that explores the psychological mechanism underlying consumers’ responses toward genderless fashion products. The objectives of this study are threefold. First, this study examines how the congruence between product and actual self, product and ideal self, and product and ideal social self relates to brand intimacy, respectively. Second, this study revisits the relationship between brand intimacy and purchase intention in the context studied. Third, this study further investigates the moderating role of brand warmth to see if the relationships between the three dimensions of self-product congruence and brand intimacy would change as a function of brand warmth.
To that end, an online survey was conducted to examine the proposed relationships. A total of 245 Gen Zs in Taiwan took part in this study. The findings indicate that actual self-product congruence, ideal self-product congruence, and ideal social self-product congruence positively associate with brand intimacy, and brand intimacy positively relates to purchase intention. This indicates that self-product congruence increases Gen Zs’ willingness to devote emotions and build relationships with brands that launch genderless fashion products. Moreover, the findings demonstrate that when a brand provides Gen Zs with emotional value and symbolic meanings, their purchase intention is likely to increase. However, the findings also show that brand warmth only partially moderates the relationship between ideal social self-product congruence and brand intimacy. As genderless fashion allows Gen Zs to express their personal beliefs about gender issues to peers, their feeling of brand intimacy is likely to enhance when brand warmth is at the medium and high level.
Overall, this study provides a better understanding of the relationship between self-product congruence and brand intimacy, and sheds light on the role that brand warmth plays in the process. It also adds to the literature on the positive relationship between brand intimacy and purchase intention by providing empirical evidence found in the context of genderless fashion. Theoretical and managerial implications of the findings, as well as limitations and directions for future research, are discussed. |
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