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Title: | 外籍漁工人權規範之實踐與困境:紐西蘭與臺灣之比較研究 The Enforcement and Difficulties of Foreign Fishers` Human Rights Norms: A Comparative Case Study of New Zealand and Taiwan |
Authors: | 涂文廷 Tu, Wen-Ting |
Contributors: | 黃兆年 Huang, Jaw-Nian 涂文廷 Tu, Wen-Ting |
Keywords: | 移工人權 強迫勞動 螺旋模式 國家能力 跨國倡議網絡 Migrant workers’ rights Forced labor Spiral Model State capacity Transnational advocacy networks |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-01-05 15:23:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 漁業向為人類重要之生產活動之一,具有高度經濟價值,惟在其蓬勃發展之背後卻隱藏嚴峻之外籍漁工人權問題。在利益至上之跨國生產鏈模式下,外籍漁工面臨被剝削以及身心受虐等強迫勞動困境。紐西蘭和臺灣雖具有良好的人權形象,然而近年來卻逐步被揭露存在著嚴重的漁工奴役問題。面對來自國內社會之倡議改革聲浪以及潛在之經濟威脅,紐臺兩國一改過往消極否認之態度,漸次開展相關保障規制之建構。惟此受惠於倡議網絡而升溫之改革意願,卻未能進一步推進人權實踐之進程,反而在規範和行為間出現遵從落差。對於此般困境,雙方再度啟動新一波改革,然而此次雙方卻走向不同之發展進程:紐西蘭成功擺脫漁工奴役之陰影,甚至成為該議題之革新典範,反觀臺灣至今仍無法高度地實踐規範效益而處於困境中。究竟是何原因造成其進程之差異? 本文透過個案研究梳理兩國發展經驗後發現:兩國各自的發展進程大致符合螺旋模式之設定,且跨國倡議網絡亦於促進政府改革意願上扮演關鍵角色,而就後階段能否達到高度實踐之關鍵實取決於國家能力之良窳。詳言之,雙方於落實改革之過程中面臨著來自於國際、國內以及產業面之不利因素,導致其於能力發展上產生缺陷,使其即便具備改革意願卻因缺乏相對應之實踐能力而成效不彰。而紐西蘭相較於臺灣,於後續規制之改革上,更有效地解決前揭不利因素,從而於實踐進程上走得更遠。為進一步驗證此觀點,本文亦針對紐西蘭與臺灣進行比較個案研究。透過具體之評比數據和資料進一步對其意願和能力進行分析,本文發現紐西蘭和臺灣在社會和物質壓力下均具有一定程度之改革意願,惟於能力發展上,紐臺雙方近年來卻逐漸出現差距,特別是在對強迫勞動等議題之回應能力上,紐西蘭均較臺灣發展更為理想。此般結果和演變趨勢不僅呼應了臺灣現今於此議題上確存有能力缺陷之困境外,亦證實了國家能力之良窳將影響後續人權規範實踐進程之研究命題。 The fishery has been one of the most critical production activities for human beings with high economic value. However, there are serious human rights issues about foreign fishermen behind fishery’s vigorous development. Under the profit-oriented global production chain, foreign fishermen suffer forced labor, including exploitation and physical and mental abuse. Although owning a positive image of human rights, New Zealand and Taiwan have been blamed for the severe enslavement of fishermen in recent years. In response to the domestic calling of reform and the potential economic threat, New Zealand and Taiwan have replaced the passive attitude before with the action to construct the regulation of protecting foreign fisherman’s human rights. Despite governments’ willingness to reform increasing owing to the advocacy network, the two countries failed to advance further human rights in practice, which made the gap between norms and behaviors. To solve the problem, both launched the new reform but came out with different levels of improvement: New Zealand successfully got rid of the enslavement of fishermen and even became the innovative model on this issue. On the contrary, Taiwan has been stuck since it couldn’t wholly implement the norms. What is the reason for the difference? This thesis sorts out the two countries’ development experiences through case studies and finds that both development processes are roughly in line with the spiral model and that the transnational advocacy network also plays a crucial role in promoting the government’s willingness to reform. Whether further development could be implemented depends on the quality of state capacity. Specifically, the two countries faced unfavorable international, domestic and industrial factors when they implemented the reform, which weakened the state capacity. Even though the country is willing to reform, it wouldn’t be effective if it lacks corresponding practical capacity. Compared with Taiwan, New Zealand is more capable of dealing with the disadvantage factors above in the regulation reform, thus going further in practice. The thesis also conducted a comparative case study on New Zealand and Taiwan to confirm the argument. With further analysis of their willingness and capacity through specific data and materials, the thesis finds that both New Zealand and Taiwan have a certain degree of willingness to reform under social and material pressure. However, there has been a gap between New Zealand’s and Taiwan’s state capacities in recent years. Especially in terms of the ability to solve the forced labor issue, New Zealand did better than Taiwan. Such results and evolutionary trends not only demonstrate that Taiwan’s indeed stuck by the lack of capacity in this aspect but also confirm the research proposition that the quality of state capacity will affect the subsequent implementation of human rights regulation. |
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