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Title: | 以策略行銷 4C 架構初探異國餐廳之經營-以 O 公司為例 Strategic Marketing analysis of exotic restaurants- A Case Study of Company O |
Authors: | 李任翔 Lee, Ren-Shyang |
Contributors: | 陳立民 Chen, Li-Ming 李任翔 Lee, Ren-Shyang |
Keywords: | 交易成本 行銷交換 代理理論 創新擴散理論 可能性推敲模型 信任 策略行銷4C 餐飲服務產業 Transaction cost Market transactions Agency problem Diffusion of innovations Elaboration likelihood model Trust Strategic marketing 4C framework Food service industry |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2023-01-05 15:17:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著台灣經濟起飛、服務業興起以及性平教育觀念逐漸提升,台灣的外食文化逐漸形成,根據2016年行政院統計有高達93%的台灣民眾有外食的習慣。而大台北地區更是餐飲業者兵家必爭之地,除了固有的中式、台式美食外,各式各樣的異國餐廳更是遍地開花,由於競爭過於激烈,也讓餐飲業形成了紅海市場。
研究發現O公司在策略行銷4C架構當中,除了專屬陷入成本(C4)沒有投入之外,在外顯單位效益成本(C1)、資訊搜尋成本(C2)以及道德危機成本(C3)都有投資一定的金錢與精力。相較於競爭對手,C1跟C2是O公司相對需要加強的地方,尤其在線上渠道的行銷操作與管理,因此會建議短期內O公司可優先加強C1跟C2的部分,並在中長期可加入管理C3與建置C4的計畫。 Taiwan’s dining-out culture has grown substantially in recent years due to economic growth, the blooming of the service industry, and the normalization of gender equality education. Based on R.O.C. (Taiwan) statistics in 2016, more than 93% of people have the habit of eating out. In Taipei, there is no denying that the food service market is competitive. In addition to Chinese and Taiwanese food restaurants, restaurants offering foreign cuisines are thriving in Taipei. Because of the tremendous competition in the restaurant market, the Taipei food service industry has become a red sea market.
This study aims to empirically analyze company O, which operated for more than twenty years and owned three exotic restaurants in Taipei, by using the Marketing Strategic 4C framework. This study adopts the case study method. In particular, an in-depth interview is primarily used to obtain needed information, and second-hand data collection is auxiliary applied. Moreover, to give the case company practical and comprehensive suggestions, this study compares the competitor of the case company by using the same 4C framework.
The result of this study revealed that, except for specific assets (C4), the company O invests in the cost of utility (C1), search and information costs (C2), and cost of moral hazard (C3). Compared to the competitor, the company needs to improve C1 and C2. It also revealed that managing online marketing channels is one of the company`s critical priorities. Finally, company O could invest in C3 and C4 in the long run to enlarge its competitive advantage. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 107363036 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363036 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201763 |
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