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    Title: 英國脫歐後的歐盟共同防務—英、德、法之新戰略動態
    Post-Brexit EU Common Defence — New Strategic Dynamics among the UK, Germany and France
    Authors: 洪聖彥
    Hong, Sheng-Yan
    Contributors: 蘇卓馨
    Su, Cho-Hsin
    Hong, Sheng-Yan
    Keywords: 歐盟防衛
    EU defence
    EU Strategic Compass
    Franco-German axis
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-01-05 15:17:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2016年以來一連串的國際環境動盪使得歐盟面臨諸多安全挑戰,除了俄羅斯近年愈趨獨斷的行為、美國總統川普上台後受損的跨大西洋關係之外,英國脫歐公投也無疑為歐盟帶來一記沉重的打擊,特別是歐盟共同防務的未來發展,不僅關乎歐洲整體安全,也考驗歐盟整合能否拓展至高階政治層面,使其於國際舞台上扮演更具影響力的角色。
    有鑑於此,本研究嘗試運用多層次治理作為分析框架。一方面超國家層次雖囿於防衛政策的高度政府間主義而使得影響有限,但透過歐盟執委會、《歐盟戰略指南》的內涵,仍可以觀察歐盟藉由構築歐盟防衛科技與工業基礎(European Defence Technological and Industrial Base, EDTIB)以及共同戰略文化,期望透過整合防衛能力與激勵成員國意願,彌補歐盟因英國離開而造成的巨大防衛實力空缺,同時也把握英國脫歐給予歐盟防衛整合深化的機遇之窗。另一方面,政府間層次聚焦歐洲重要的三大軍事力量-英國、德國和法國於2016年後的戰略動態,包括英國由全球化英國(Global Britain)展示的戰略野心、德國因國際責任上升顯現的戰略轉變以及法國藉歐盟政治重心推崇的戰略自主,這些戰略動向除了體現於他們各具合作與分歧的雙邊防衛關係,也在俄烏戰爭的檢視中得到進一步的印證,因而更具指標性地反映出歐盟共同防務的未來發展。儘管英國脫歐公投至今英-歐防衛關係顯得不甚熱絡,但針對歐洲安全合作仍對雙方具有共同利益;以及,德-法軸心對於歐盟共同安全暨防衛政策(Common Security and Defence Policy, CSDP)的領導,雖然兩國展現出政治合作默契,但戰略願景的根本性分歧與戰略自主的認知差異仍將是未來德、法,乃至於歐盟全體發展歐盟共同防務所需面臨的考驗。
    EU has been faced with security challenges since 2016 due to a series of changes and unrest in the international environment, including Russia’s growing assertiveness in recent years, shaky transatlantic alliance after President Trump’s inauguration, and the Brexit referendum, which undoubtedly struck EU a heavy blow, especially to the future EU CSDP (Common Security and Defence Policy), or more broladly, EU Common Defence. This topic not only concerns the overall security in Europe but also observes the spillover effect of defence integration towards high politics, where it grants EU an even more influential role on the international stage.
    In view of the importance of EU common defence, this thesis employs multilevel governance as the main approach. On the one hand, the supranational level, though confined because the defence policy competence tends to be highly intergovernmental, the European Commission and Strategic Compass manages to build EDTIB (European Defence Technological and Industrial Base) and construct a common strategic culture among the member states in order to integrate defence capabilities and encourage member states to develop common defence for EU in post-Brexit era. On the other hand, the intergovernmental level focuses on the new strategic dynamics of the UK, Germany and France, the major military powers in Europe. Ranging from the UK’s strategic ambition from “Global Britain,” Germany’s strategic shift due to the rising international responsibility to France’s strategic autonomy out of building its political centre in the Union, they are not only embodied in their bilateral defence relations after Brexit but also reflected in their responses towards Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Accordingly, this study argues that UK-EU defence relations has been not at all close or optimistic ever since the 2016 Brexit referendum, but cooperation in terms of European security stills brings both sides the mutual interest. Besides, although the political leadership of Franco-German axis is self-evident, the divergences of the strategic visions as well as the different recognition of Strategic Autonomy between the two, or even the EU as a whole, remain unsolved for the EU common defence.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108253007
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201768
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