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    Title: 公部門任務編組之個案研究:以臺北市政府緊急救護審核小組為例
    On Adhocracy of Public Sector : A Case Study of the Task Force of Emergency Assistance Auditing, Taipei City Government
    Authors: 吳佳儀
    Wu, Jia-Yi
    Contributors: 江明修

    Wu, Jia-Yi
    Keywords: 任務編組
    Task force
    Cross-boundary governance
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2023-01-05 15:16:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在公部門中支配專業分工之優勢,是超越機關、組織與轄區以跨「域」治理協調與合作,因應臺北市政府緊急救護審核小組(以下簡稱審核小組)解決複雜且多元的特殊問題,不同於傳統單獨治理,而是倡議多元聯合治理,故成立正式組織來完成任務。因此,審核小組自第11屆臺北市議會推動「珍惜救護資源」的角色,以「追求社會公平正義」為目標,由臺北市府消防局擔任召集人,相關局處副首長及專家擔任成員,首長及專家擔任成員,下設六個工作小組,希望透過跨域整合平台解決特殊問題。
    The advantage of professional division of labor in the public sector goes beyond the coordination and cooperation of organizations, organizations and jurisdictions.Task Force of emergency assistance auditing, Taipei City Government.formal organization was established to solve complex and diverse special problems, unlike traditional separate governance, and instead to advocate multi-joint governance. Since the 11th session of the Taipei City Council, the Audit Group has promoted the role of "saving resources" with the aim of "seeking social equity and justice". The Fire Department of the City Government serves as the convernor, with the Deputy Heads and Experts of the relevant bureauxs and departments as members of the six working groups, aims to solve special problems through a cross-district integration platform.
    The highlights of the Task Force are that cross-metropolitan and administrative districts can collect views from professional fields, and set up audit teams through projects or even special issues. When the task is completed, it should be disbanded immediately, and if necessary, it shows that the policy platform is of special significance. In this paper, case study method, field observation method and in-depth interview method are used to discuss the theory of organization structure function and operation. The questionnaire designed by the researchers was chosen to conduct in-depth interviews with three members of the audit team and to assist the audit team in conducting on-site observations at their monthly meetings.
    Based on the findings of the study, this paper suggests that the feasibility part includes the mode of operation of the audit team in collaboration with public interest organizations, The mode of operation of public-private partnerships and the mode of operation that transcends the theoretical and practical divide have led to a greater focus on nuclear tasks. In the future, it is suggested that cross-departmental understanding and interviews with policymakers be conducted to understand the functional and operational dynamics of the organizational structure. Secondly, the future situation of emergency relief for vulnerable ethnic groups can be analyzed and managed as a whole. Operations of the Task Force of the Audit Team The reference to the establishment of cross-district governance and business models of public interest organizations enables the audit team to act as a driving force behind the policy platform.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921037
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201729
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