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    题名: 幼兒園差錯管理氛圍對教師創新教學的影響:以基本心理需求為中介變項
    Impact of Kindergarten Error Management Atmosphere on Teachers’ Innovative Teaching: The Mediating Effect of Basic Psychological Needs
    作者: 王晶
    Wang, Jing
    贡献者: 吳政達

    Wang, Jing
    关键词: 差錯管理氛圍
    Error management atmosphere
    Basic psychological needs
    Innovative teaching
    Kindergarten teachers
    日期: 2022
    上传时间: 2022-12-02 16:41:10 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 為探討幼兒園差錯管理氛圍、教師基本心理需求與創新教學之間的關係。研究運用問卷調查法,以江蘇、吉林、河南等地區的561名幼兒園帶班教師為研究對象。調查問卷回收後通過SPSS20.0與Amos24.0等統計軟體的統計分析功能對有效問卷的結果進行統計分析。
    This thesis explores the impact of kindergarten error management atmosphere and teachers’ basic psychological needs on innovative teaching. 561 kindergarten teachers in Jiangsu, Jilin, Henan Provinces are selected as the research objects. The valid questionnaires are analyzed through softwares such as SPSS20.0 and Amos24.0. The results indicate that:
    1. The kindergarten error management atmosphere develops well, with the "reflecting errors" the best.
    2. The basic psychological needs of kindergarten teachers are met, with the "relationship needs" the best.
    3. The innovative teaching in kindergartens develops well, with the "open mind" the best.
    4. The background variables of kindergarten error management atmosphere, teachers’ basic psychological needs and innovative teaching are totally different.
    5. There is a significant positive correlation between kindergarten error management atmosphere, teachers’ basic psychological needs and innovative teaching.
    6. The kindergarten error management atmosphere not only positively predicts innovative teaching, but also influences teachers’ innovative teaching through the mediating role of basic psychological needs.
    From the results of the study, the thesis points out that to enhance teachers’ innovative teaching, kindergarten managers should actively create a good error management atmosphere through meeting teachers’ psychological needs.
    參考文獻: 壹、中文部分
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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108152517
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201723
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