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Title: | 從「待機兒童」現象看日本社會福利發展困境 The Welfare State Dilemma of Japan: From "Taiki Jidou"Phenomenon |
Authors: | 蔡育荏 Tsai, Yu-Ren |
Contributors: | 李世暉 Li, Shih-Hui 蔡育荏 Tsai, Yu-Ren |
Keywords: | 待機兒童 日本托育政策 福利國家困境 後工業化壓力 Taiki Jidou Japanese childcare policy Welfare state dilemma Post-industrial pressure |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:28:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 日本政府及社會因為1989年的生育率1.57衝擊,開始正視生育率低下的少子化問題,加上泡沫經濟造成的不景氣,使過去在家庭內的女性紛紛投入職場,以往由男性工作者加上無業女性組成的家庭結構,比例同樣隨著生育率趨勢逐年下降,取而代之是雙薪家庭的組成比例逐年上升,日本政府於此時推出的少子化對策第一步便是為了解決「待機兒童」問題。 「待機兒童」指申請後等待進入公共托育機構的學齡前兒童,日本政府認為只要透過公共托育服務,承擔起過去多由女性所肩負的幼兒照護責任,便能刺激生育,總言之,「待機兒童」對策最初的目的是為了鼓勵生育。而後的少子化對策,其政策涵蓋了更廣泛、又更細緻的面向,但學齡前兒童的托育擴張一直存在於具體政策項目當中,並且一直是少子化對策的主軸,透過分析不同時期少子化對策的托育擴張,本研究發現了不同時期的特徵:早期的托育擴張以設置新的硬體設施為主,之後面臨了托育擴張成本提高、財政狀況惡化,以及對於托育服務的需求伴隨雙薪家庭、單親家庭等多元型態家庭比例上升而增加,日本政府開始透過法規鬆綁以1. 降低新機構設施設置的成本 2. 提升既有人力配置的托育供給 3. 推動幼托整合提升既有資源的使用效率,最後則是提升消費稅以確保托育服務的維持及擴張,過程體現了日本福利國家面對後工業化壓力時所遭遇的社會福利發展困境。 另外分析近期「待機兒童」下降因素,發現了待機兒童數量 — 托育量能擴張 — 申請意願三者之間相互影響的互動關係,並認為確保托育人員數量能夠跟上托育擴張速度,將會是日本「待機兒童」對策未來的一大課題。 The Japanese government and society began to face up to the problem of low birthrates due to the impact of the birth rate of “1.57 shock” in 1989. Coupled with the recession caused by the bubble economy, women in the family in the past have entered the workplace one after another. In the past, the proportion of the family structure composed of male workers and unemployed women also decreased year by year with the trend of fertility rate. Instead, the proportion of dual-income families increased year by year. The first step of the Japanese government`s measures to the low birthrates was to solve the problem of “Taiki Jidou”. “Taiki Jidou” means a preschool child who is waiting to be admitted to a public day care institution after application. The Japanese government believes that as long as the public childcare service takes on the responsibility of child care that was often shouldered by women in the past, it can stimulate fertility. In short, the original purpose of the “Taiki Jidou” policy was to encourage childbirth. Subsequent countermeasures against low birthrates have policies covering broader and more detailed aspects, but the expansion of childcare for preschool children has always existed in specific policy items, and has always been the main axis of countermeasures against low birthrates. By analyzing the childcare expansion of low birthrate countermeasures in different periods, this study found the characteristics of different periods: The early childcare expansion was mainly based on setting up new hardware facilities. Later, the cost of childcare expansion increased, the financial situation deteriorated, and the demand for childcare services increased with the increase in the proportion of multi-type families such as dual-income families and single-parent families. The Japanese government has begun to loosen regulations to 1. Reduce the cost of new institutional facilities 2. Improve the supply of childcare with existing manpower allocation 3. Promote the integration of childcare and preschool to improve the efficiency of the use of existing resources. The last is to increase the consumption tax to ensure the maintenance and expansion of childcare services. The process reflects the social welfare development dilemma encountered by the Japanese welfare state in the face of the pressure of post-industrialization. In addition, by analyzing the factors of the recent decline in the number of “Taiki Jidou”, it is found that the interactive relationship among the number of “Taiki Jidou” - the expansion of the amount of childcare - and willingness to apply. This study therefore concludes that ensuring that the number of childcare personnel can keep up with the expansion of childcare will be a major issue in the future of Japan`s “Taiki Jidou” countermeasures. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 日本研究學位學程 109861008 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109861008 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201721 |
Appears in Collections: | [日本研究學位學程] 學位論文
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