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Title: | 代間關係與「孝順的錢」:台灣家庭中「孝親費」的社會意義 Intergenerational Relations and “the money of filial piety”: The social significance of the “siao cin fei” in Taiwanese families |
Authors: | 白子萱 Bai, Zi-Shan |
Contributors: | 鄭力軒 Cheng, Li-Hsuan 白子萱 Bai, Zi-Shan |
Keywords: | 孝親費 孝道文化 父系文化 關係工作 奉養 Filial piety fee Filial piety culture Patriarchal culture Relational work Parents care |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:27:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究欲透過Zelizer的關係工作的概念,來檢視台灣社會中金錢與家庭關係的互動過程。這些子女以孝親費作為媒介,透過儀式性的給錢方式、依據不同孝親費邏輯來標記金錢的用途,同時透過不同的標記來界定代間關係的邊界。研究也發現,孝親費的實踐邏輯可以分為兩種:「義務」與「回饋」。進一步檢視形成不同邏輯的原因,與家庭經濟狀況以及台灣的文化制度──父系文化與孝道文化有很大的關係。當代台灣社會經歷社會變遷與世代推移,不同世代對於孝親費的認知也有所轉變,當父母與子女對於孝親費的認知有所不同時,可能會引發緊張與衝突,這也展示了世代的認知不同。在處理這些緊張與衝突的過程中,「義務」形式的孝親費邏輯通常會選擇妥協或是爆發嚴重的情感衝突;而在「回饋」的孝親費邏輯中,通常則是能夠理性地溝通與協商以達到共同理解的結果。這展示了當代台灣社會的子女在不同情境下,是如何看待金錢與家庭的親密關係,而這些子女同時也是以孝親費作為媒介,在不同邏輯下導致的緊張、衝突、協商與妥些的過程中,進而完成關係工作。 本研究也指出,孝道文化與父系文化不僅會影響孝親費的認知邏輯,在當代台灣社會也有可能淡化的現象,包括像是「出嫁女兒如同潑出去的水」、「奉養孝順」的傳統觀念可能正在逐漸轉變,而在文化制度影響淡化的趨勢下,甚至還出現有別於傳統社會義務觀念的「代間權力反轉」與「代間財富流動向下」現象。 This study aims to examine the interactive process of money and family relations in Taiwanese society through Zelizer`s concept of relational work. Taiwanese adult children use a “filial piety fee” as a medium to mark the earmarking money through ceremonial ways of giving money based on different filial piety fee logics. These adult children also use different marks to define the boundaries of intergenerational relationships. This study also found that the money derived from filial piety can be divided into two logical concepts: “obligation” and “reward”. To examine the reasoning behind this, the different logical notions are related to both a given family`s financial situation and Taiwan`s cultural system, which are characterized by a patriarchal culture and a filial piety culture. As time goes by and social changes take place in contemporary Taiwanese society, the rationale for filial piety fees has changed. When parents and adult children have different perceptions of filial piety fees, tensions and conflicts are likely to arise. Such tensions and conflicts show that the perceptions of generations differ from each other. In the process of dealing with these tensions and conflicts, adult children governed by the concept of “duty” filial piety fees either compromise or tend to get involved in a serious emotional conflict. By contrast, adult children acting in accord with the concept of “reward” filial piety fees usually deal with tensions and conflicts through rational communication and negotiation to achieve a common understanding with their parents. The study shows that Taiwanese adult children face the intimacy of family and money in different situations. It also shows that based on the two logical concepts resulting in either tension and conflict or negotiation, these adult children may use filial piety fees as a means of working out their relationships with their parents. The study also indicates that the culture of filial piety and patriarchy not only affects the logical concepts of the filial piety fee, but that its significance may also be diminishing in contemporary Taiwanese society; thus traditional concepts such as “a married daughter, splashed water” and “filial piety” may be changing. Under the trend of gradually weakening cultural institutions, such phenomena as “intergenerational power reversal” and “the downward flow of intergenerational wealth” no longer have the force of social obligations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 108254018 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108254018 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201719 |
Appears in Collections: | [社會學系] 學位論文
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