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    题名: 社群媒體管理與企業公關之組織權力關係
    Social Media Management and the Power Relations of Corporate Public Relations in Organizations
    作者: 何其慧
    Ho, Chi-Hui
    贡献者: 鄭怡卉
    Cheng, I-Huei
    Ho, Chi-Hui
    关键词: 公共關係
    Public relations
    Social media
    Corporate PR
    Power relations
    日期: 2022
    上传时间: 2022-12-02 15:26:11 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 社群媒體逐漸成為企業組織對外溝通的平台之一,也為企業公關工作與其在組織中所扮演的角色等議題,帶出新的挑戰與探討的空間。本研究透過組織權力關係(Power Relations)的理論角度,探討企業公關在不同的社群媒體管理模式中,被組織所賦予的職能與影響力。


    Social media has become one of the main platforms for business communication, which lends additional importance to the role of corporate public relations in organizations. This study employs a theoretical perspective of power relations in public relations research to explore the functions and influence of corporate public relations practitioners in different models of social media management.

    A total of 19 corporate public relations professionals were interviewed for this study. It was found that the advent of social media increased the working time and cross-departmental communication frequency for corporate public relations practitioners as well as increasing their involvement in the development of comprehensive communications strategies. Another finding was that the roles and functions of corporate public relations may vary based on the establishment of social media management in the organization. In part, the degree of influence exerted by corporate public relations in social media management is characterized by a positive two-way dynamic pattern that is a function of power relations in the organization and corporate orientation towards social media. On the other hand, there are also highly independent corporate public relations practitioners not involved in social media management who hold high status and strong power relations in the organization, playing a pivotal role in solving social media crises.

    Based on these findings, it is recommended that corporate public relations practitioners broaden their scope of expertise and integrate corporate communications across traditional channels and social media. By assuming a role as a high-level strategic counselor with strong power relations in the organization, public relations practitioners can add value to a corporation by establishing a corporate image that is internally and externally consistent, ultimately building the corporation’s reputation. Future studies can theoretically expand the existing propositions of power relations research. The current study may be extended by considering additional factors with regards to organization, industry, culture, and technology, as well as by further elucidating the two-way dynamics between these factors and the power relations of public relations practitioners within an organization.
    參考文獻: 中文文獻

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    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109941022
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201706
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