題名: | 跟著VR去旅行!虛擬實境旅遊結合遊戲之使用者體驗 Go travelling with VR! User Experience of Virtual Reality Travel combined with Games |
作者: | 周惠儀 Chou, Hui-Yi |
貢獻者: | 林玲遠 Lin, Ling-Yuan 周惠儀 Chou, Hui-Yi |
關鍵詞: | 虛擬實境 虛擬實境旅遊 使用者體驗 沉浸設計 臨場感 投入感 目的地意象 Virtual reality Virtual reality travel User experience Immersion Presence Involvement Destination image |
日期: | 2022 |
上傳時間: | 2022-12-02 15:26:00 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 隨著虛擬實境技術的發展,為觀光旅遊業帶來了全新的虛擬實境旅遊模式;尤其受到COVID-19疫情影響,全球旅遊活動被迫停擺,透過虛擬實境旅遊即可足不出戶環遊世界、飽覽天下美景。採用虛擬實境打造的旅遊型態相當多元,除了景區、酒店、博物館等目的地式導覽旅遊宣傳影片之外,亦有遊戲結合旅遊互動元素,透過虛擬實境感受另類的旅遊體驗,增添趣味性。 本研究從使用者的主觀詮釋角度出發,自目前市面上既有的虛擬實境理想作品中,挑選兼具旅行遊覽與遊戲互動體驗的《國家地理探索VR》,其中有分別代表遊戲性有無的兩款遊戲,作為本研究的體驗項目。透過結合質性的觀察法、放聲思考法與深度訪談法,來瞭解使用者對虛擬實境旅遊結合遊戲體驗之沉浸設計、臨場感、投入感等面向的想法,以及針對體驗中的旅遊地點,提出目的地意象的詮釋,並分析虛擬實境旅遊結合遊戲未來的發展改善與建議。 本研究發現,針對具有遊戲性的虛擬實境旅遊結合遊戲體驗,即在沉浸設計面向擁有高度的互動回饋設計,以及豐富的任務關卡挑戰,得以提升使用者對體驗的臨場感及投入感,也會塑造正面的旅遊目的地意象,尤其是針對情感意象,進而增加未來的旅遊意願,讓虛擬體驗連結到真實世界的經驗。因此,必須致力提升虛擬實境的沉浸設計品質,才有機會從良好的客觀條件,延伸至打造出正面的使用者主觀感受,進而促成其未來實體旅遊意願及行為決策。 另外,建議可針對較難抵達的旅遊地設計體驗,並增加人際社交元素與破關獎懲機制,可吸引使用者持續體驗,而旁白或字幕的語言,也會進而影響使用者的體驗意願。本研究之相關結論,期望可以提供給旅遊業者、各大企業與政府觀光單位,作為未來虛擬實境旅遊行銷的建議與改善參考。 With the development of virtual reality technology, a new virtual reality travel model has been brought to the tourism industry; especially due to the COVID-19 epidemic, global tourism activities have been forced to stop. Through virtual reality travel, you can travel around the world and enjoy the beauty of the world without leaving home. In addition to destination-oriented tourism videos of scenic spots, hotels, museums, etc., there are also games that add interest by combining interactive elements of tourism and providing an alternative travel experience through virtual reality. From the perspective of users` subjective interpretation, this study selects “National Geographic Explore VR”, an interactive travel tour game on the virtual reality market, which representing both gameplay or not respectively as the experience items in this study. Through the combination of qualitative observation, outspoken thinking, and in-depth interview, we get better understanding on users` thoughts in turns of the sense of immersion, presence, and involvement in the virtual reality travel-integrated games. Studies of the interpretation of the destination imagery for the tourist locations in the experience analyze the future development of virtual reality tourism game for improvements and suggestions. This study found that a gameplay virtual reality travel game provides highly interactive design, rich content of tasks and challenges can enhance the users` presence and engagement in the experience, which creates positive destination imagery, particularly emotional imagery, which in turn increase future travel intentions by connects the virtual experience to real-world experiences. Therefore, we must strive to improve the quality of virtual reality immersion, in order to have the opportunity to learn from good objective conditions in order to create positive subjective feelings for the users for their future physical travel intentions and behavioral decisions. In addition, it is suggested that the travel experience can be designed for the places that are difficult to reach and providing more social interactions, rewards and punishments system during the gameplay can attract more users’ willingness to continue the experience. While the language of narration or captioning could further influence users` willingness to experience. The conclusions of this study are expected to be used by the travel industry, corporations and government tourism agencies as a reference, for future recommendations and improvements in virtual reality tourism marketing. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 109941003 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109941003 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201692 |
顯示於類別: | [傳播學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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