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Title: | 電視時事性談話節目製播關鍵因素指標建構 Key Success Factors in the Production of TV News Talk Programs: A Delphi Research |
Authors: | 柯詠薰 Ke, Yong-Syun |
Contributors: | 鄭自隆 柯詠薰 Ke, Yong-Syun |
Keywords: | 談話性節目 電視媒體 參與觀察法 修正式德菲法 因素分析 Talk programs Television media Participant observation method Modified Delphi method Factor analysis |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:25:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國電視媒體生態處於高度競爭且變化快速,當前針對節目製播僅有收視率作為參考依據,為期節目設立與製播能有更多重角度之指標參考以提升電視收視品質,研究從實務層面出發進行探討,以期建構出電視時事性談話節目之關鍵因素指標。 本研究係以時事性議題談話節目為研究對象,經由參與觀察法觀察節目製作實況,德菲法收集專家意見,最後透過因素分析建構出電視時事性談話節目之關鍵因素指標。
研究結果發現,時事性議題談話節目製作,應注意下之要項: 1. 節目製作團隊與主持人密切配合 2. 議題選擇扣連時事脈動 3. 討論主題應契合節目多元變化特性 4. 深度解析時事議題 5. 主持人言行合宜 6. 節目主持人與來賓具自我風格 7. 主持人應具專業性 In Taiwan, the media ecology of television is highly competitive and changing rapidly. Nowadays the television program production can only refer to viewership ratings. In order to improve the quality of TV viewing, the program production can have more reference indicators from different angles. The research is conducted from a practical level, in order to construct the key factor indicators of television news talk programs.
This research is based on television news talk programs as a Main research object. Observing the actual production of the programs through the participant observation and collecting expert opinions with the modified Delphi method, and finally constructs the success factor indicators of the TV news talk programs through factor analysis.
The results of the study found that the production of talk shows on topical issues should pay attention to the following points: 1. The program production team cooperates closely with the host. 2. The topic selection is linked to the current events. 3. The topic of program discussion should be in line with the diverse and changeable characteristics. 4. In-depth analysis of current affairs issues. 5. The host should maintain appropriate behavior in their words and deeds. 6. Show host and guests set their own style. 7. The host should be professional. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 108941012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108941012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201714 |
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