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    Title: 台灣再生能源指數型保險之研究
    Essays on index-based renewable energy insurance for Taiwan
    Authors: 廖士傑
    Liao, Shih-Chieh
    Contributors: 張士傑
    Chang, Shih-Chieh
    Liao, Shih-Chieh
    Keywords: 再生能源
    Renewable energy
    Index-based insurance
    Offshore wind farm
    Solar PV power plant
    Weather window
    Weather downtime
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-12-02 15:17:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文由三篇指數型保險的研究,運用於台灣再生能源風險管理相關議題所構成。台灣政府規劃於2025年,再生能源的發電量可以達到供應總發電需求的百分之二十。達成這個目標,需要加速發展運用再生能源發電,並達到一定的規模才可能實現。減少燃煤,增加天然氣與再生能源的發電比重,是台灣的能源政策,並完成非核家園的理想。離岸風力與太陽能發電對於台灣的再生能源發展,扮演至關重要的角色。離岸風力預計在2021至2025年間併網發電5.7GW,於2026至2035年間,另規劃再增加10GW併網發電量。太陽能規劃在2025年達到14.2GW發電量。
    This dissertation includes three essays regarding index-based insurance applications for renewable energy. Renewable energy is crucial to secure a clean energy transition and help to limit global warming. Taiwan plans to generate 20% of its total energy capacity from renewable energy by 2025, and the share of renewable sources in the power sector needs to be rapidly scaled up. The overall energy policy calls for significantly less coal, more LNG, increased renewables, and a homeland with nuclear-free. Offshore wind energy and solar PV power play an important role; Taiwan will add 5.7GW of allocated already offshore wind power to the grid between 2021 and 2025. Between 2026-2035, an additional 10GW of offshore wind will be added to the grid. For solar PV power, Taiwan will add 14.2 GW by 2025.
    Renewable energy projects face dynamic risk exposure for different risks throughout their life cycle that can contribute to a complex insurance environment requiring detailed knowledge and understanding from stakeholders such as developers, contractors, investors, and lenders. Index-based insurance can provide coverage opportunities for the complete life cycle of renewable energy projects from the beginning financing stage to operational exposures.
    Renewable energy generation is dependent upon natural resources. Therefore, excess or lack of wind speeds and solar radiation shortfalls can lead to revenue variability. In addition, because of intermittency, investors and lenders consider renewable energy projects risky investments and can face difficulties in securing financing. Index-based solutions can cover the renewable energy production volatility. Triggers based on objective and third-party data customized to the insured`s site, offshore wind farm or solar PV power plant generation technology, and historical index dataset, index insurance can protect against loss of energy production due to the volatility of natural resources. Chapters 1 and 2 design index insurance products to manage the volatility risk for offshore wind and solar PV power production.
    Operation and maintenance (O&M) activities are a big part of the total costs for offshore wind farms. However, weather-related risks such as high waves can result in time spent waiting out unfavorable weather conditions until planned works can recommence for safety reasons. That causes a costly impact on O&M. Chapter 3 designs index insurance to manage the logistical and financial risks caused by the weather downtime for offshore wind farm O&M activities.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105358503
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201695
    Appears in Collections:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文

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