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Title: | 台灣代工廠商轉型品牌廠商的產品創新能力轉變之研究-動態能力的觀點 An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Firms’ Product Innovation Capability Transformation Process from OEM/ODM to OBM: The Perspective of Dynamic Capability |
Authors: | 洪令潔 Hung, Ling-Jie |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 洪令潔 Hung, Ling-Jie |
Keywords: | OEM ODM OBM 代工廠 品牌廠 轉型 產品創新能力 動態能力 OEM ODM OBM Foundry manufacturers Self-owned brand manufacturers Transformation Product innovation capability Dynamic capability |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-12-02 15:15:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣在戰後的經濟發展下,代工廠商轉型品牌廠商成為台灣很特殊卻也很重要的產業現象,至今我國依然有不少廠商面臨代工轉型品牌廠之需求。 而從過去的研究可以發現,代工企業走向品牌企業之間存在著能力上的落差,除了生產製造外,廠商需要具備好的產品創新能力。過去的研究大多從企業策略或品牌經營之角度去歸納並發展研究架構,以找出轉型廠商的關鍵成功因素。同時,在有關研究轉型所需要的能力建構之相關文獻,也大多聚焦在行銷能力方面,甚少從產品創新的角度,來探討台灣廠商轉型時能力建構的過程及轉型前後能力的變化。 緣此,本研究以「產品創新能力」的角度,採用「動態能力」的觀點,並透過個案研究法及深度訪談法,以華碩電腦與A公司做為研究對象,探討其轉型過程中重新配置的動態能力以及轉型前後產品創新能力的轉變。本研究所得到的主要結論如下: 一、台灣代工廠轉型品牌廠的過程中,會感受到其對於市場資訊的不足而強化市場相關知識的學習,並透過企業內部的活動,加強個人知識的分享與凝聚品牌思維的共識。此外,亦會在資源投入上增加市場相關的人員與任務。 二、台灣由代工轉型為品牌的廠商,會透過動態能力重新配置讓其新產品專案的人員、心態與任務皆產生變化,同時,也會讓其產品創新能力更加貼近品牌廠市場導向的環境。 三、台灣由代工轉型為品牌的廠商,除了會提升其市場能力之外,也會透過技術的選擇,來發展更具市場導向的技術能力,此外,亦會強化其管理能力以因應更趨複雜的自有品牌情境。 最後,本研究亦闡述學術貢獻,並提出實務上與後續研究上的建議。 Under the post-war economic development in Taiwan, the transformation of foundry manufacturers into self-owned brand manufacturers has become a special industrial phenomenon in Taiwan. So far, there are still manufacturers in Taiwan who are facing the need for transformation. From past research, it can be found that there is a gap in capability between OEM/ODM companies and OBM companies. In addition to manufacturing, OBM companies need to have more capabilities in product innovation and product development. In the past, most studies have summarized and developed a research framework from the perspective of business strategy and brand theory to clarify the key success factors of transforming manufacturers. At the same time, most of the capability building in historical literature is based on marketing capabilities, and few studies have focused on the process of capability building during the transformation and the changes in capability before and after the transformation of Taiwanese manufacturers from the perspective of successful product projects. Therefore, from the perspective of "product innovation capability", this study uses dynamic capabilities as its theoretical basis, adopts a case study method and in-depth interview method, and takes ASUS and anonymous Company A as the research objects to explore how manufacturers adjust and transform their existing capabilities in response to the new environment and what is the difference between the capabilities before and after the transformation. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. In the process of transformation, Taiwanese manufacturers will feel their lack of market information and then strengthen market-related knowledge. At the same time, they share personal knowledge through the company`s internal activities, and build a consensus on brand thinking. In addition, market-related personnel and tasks will be increased in resource investment. 2. Taiwanese manufacturers transforming from OEM/ODM to OBM will change the personnel, mentality, and tasks of the project through dynamic capability reconfiguration, so that product innovation capabilities are closer to the market-oriented environment of brand manufacturers. 3. Taiwanese manufacturers transforming from OEM/ODM to OBM will not only improve their market capabilities but also develop more market-oriented technical capabilities through technology selection. In addition, their management capabilities will also be strengthened to cope with the more complex self-owned brand context. In the final section, this study also describes academic contributions and provides suggestions for business practices and future researchers. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 109364123 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109364123 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201669 |
Appears in Collections: | [Graduate Institute of TIPM] Theses
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