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Title: | 《簡愛》:壓抑與表達的辯證 The Dialectics of Repression and Expression in Jane Eyre |
Authors: | 陳子儀 Chen, Tzu-Yi |
Contributors: | 胡錦媛 Hu, Chin-Yuan 陳子儀 Chen, Tzu-Yi |
Keywords: | 對話 表達 獨白 權力關係 壓抑 自我意識 自我認同 Dialogue Expression Monologue Power struggle Repression Self-awareness Self-identity |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:35:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë) 所著的《簡愛》(Jane Eyre)自1847年出版後,一個半世紀多以來一直被認為是一部表達維多利亞時期「壓抑」(repression)主題的小說。針對《簡愛》中壓抑主題的傳統觀點,本論文認為小說的意旨既非單純的壓抑,也非單純的「表達」(expression),而是一種壓抑與表達的辯證。壓抑與表達彼此相互作用,兩者之間形成動態的關係。正如約翰·庫契奇(John Kucich)在《維多利亞時期小說中的壓抑:夏洛蒂·勃朗特、喬治·艾略特與查爾斯·狄更斯》(Repression in Victorian Fiction: Charlotte Bronte, George Eliot, and Charles Dickens)中所指出:在十九世紀,壓抑是一種「提升主體內在性的策略」(2)。這種策略揭露了小說中人物透過這種刻意為之的壓抑來強化他們的内心衝突與內在力量。因此本論文認為壓抑與表達實非立基於二元對立面,而是處於一種不斷流動的狀態。在這部小說中,簡愛的語言表達展示了這種動態的流動性。 針對這個問題,本文試圖論證《簡愛》展現維多利亞時期對壓抑的看法。從簡愛與他人(舅媽、表哥、羅徹斯特先生、聖約翰)的論爭中,簡愛不斷地遊走於兩個極端立場之間,透過與他人的對話以及自己的獨白,簡愛最後終於從悲慘的生活中走出一個新方向,因為在此過程中她不僅擁有探索、發展自我意識與自我認同的機會更進一步提升自己的內在力量。小說中的對話與獨白不僅揭示了簡愛從童年到成年的轉變,也幫助她逃離傳統加諸於女性的規範,更揭示了壓抑與表達之間的動態流動性。對話中所表明的權力關係(power struggles)被視為此流動性的指標。為了考察這種動態的流動性,本文運用了米哈伊爾·巴赫汀(Mikhail Bakhtin)的對話理論(Dialogism)來探討簡愛在對話中的權力關係以及她從獨白中轉化而成的另一種力量。 最後,本論文發現,權力關係在整個《簡愛》中起著關鍵作用。從語言表達的方面來看,簡愛透過充滿了權力關係的對話與獨白展示了她的自我意識(self-awareness)與自我認同(self-identity)。它們與本論文所討論的中心主旨壓抑與表達的辯證)緊密交織在一起。在第一章〈引言〉中,藉由約翰·庫契奇的論點,本論文提出一個不同於傳統維多利亞壓抑主題的看法。第二章〈巴赫汀:對話與獨白〉探討巴赫汀對話論,以及為什麼對話與獨白得以恰切地用來分析、詮釋本文中壓抑與表達間的關係。第三章〈壓抑的表達(一):對話〉,主要討論簡愛與他人的對話,並運用巴赫汀的對話理論闡釋對話中幫助簡愛實現自我意識的權力關係。第四章〈壓抑的表達(二):獨白〉的重點集中在簡愛的個人獨白上。她內心的矛盾藉由獨白轉化成一種力量,並逐漸建構她的自我認同。最後,第五章〈結論〉,本論文強調在《簡愛》中,維多利亞時期的壓抑並非如傳統看法般充滿負面意涵,壓抑與表達之間的關係是以一種動態流動的方式來相輔相成,並非簡單的二元對立。 Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847) has been considered a novel of Victorian repression. Challenging the typical perspective on the repression in Jane Eyre, including the repression of the characters’ thoughts and freedom, the present thesis argues that neither repression nor expression is at the heart of the novel but rather the dialectics of repression and expression. The dialectical relationship between repression and expression is dynamic and generates meanings in the characters’ interactions. As John Kucich stated in Repression in Victorian Fiction, in the 19th century, repression was a maneuver for “exalting interiority” (2). This reservation of desire tends to create characters’ inner conflict and advances their inner strength. As such, the present thesis holds that repression and expression are not binary opposites but are in a constant state of fluidity. Such dynamic fluidity is demonstrated by Jane’s verbal expression in the novel. When interacting with Mrs. Reed, John Reed, Mr. Rochester, and St. John, Jane constantly wavers between two extreme positions. Through dialogue with other characters and her monologues, Jane eventually transitions from a life of misery to one in which she obtains opportunities to develop self-awareness, identity, and inner strength. Jane’s verbal expression not only reveals her changing thoughts through her transition from childhood to adulthood but also her rejection of traditional rules for women. Moreover, her verbal expression, such as that during her dialogue with John Reed and her description of jealousy toward Blanche Ingram, reflects the fluidity of repression and expression in the dynamics of power struggles. The present thesis applies Mikhail Bakhtin’s theory of dialogism to examine the power struggles communicated through dialogues as well as to reveal their inner dynamics, as communicated through Jane’s monologues. The present thesis argues that power struggles and inner struggles play a key role throughout Jane Eyre. Through her verbal expression, Jane creates a new life path and demonstrates her self-awareness and identity through dialogues and monologues. The present thesis is organized as follows. With reference to the intertwined dialectical relationship between repression and expression in Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Chapter One “Introduction” presents to a contrasting view of Victorian repression based on Kucich’s concept and proposes that repression is a type of strategy. Chapter Two “Mikhail Bakhtin: Dialogues and Monologues” draws attention to the connection between Bakhtinian dialogism and the repression-expression relationship, explaining how repression and expression influence each other. Dialogue between Jane and other characters is the main focus of Chapter Three “Expression of Repression (I): Dialogues.” This chapter describes the power struggles that lead Jane to achieve self-awareness. The theory of dialogism is applied to interpret the dialogues between Jane and other characters, with the path toward her self-awareness discussed in depth. Chapter Four “Expression of Repression (II): Monologues” focuses on Jane’s monologues, through which her inner struggles generate a strong force that increases her inner strength and reshapes her identity. In Chapter Five “Conclusion,” the main argument of this thesis, specifically the fluid and mutually dependent relationship between repression and expression, is reemphasized to demonstrate that this relationship offers various possibilities. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 107551012 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107551012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201616 |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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