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Title: | Instagram按讚數被隱藏將有何影響?檢驗Instagram按讚數與廣告揭露對泰國微型網紅在廣告效果上的影響 What happens when Instagram likes are gone? Examining the impact of Instagram likes and advertising disclosures on micro-influencer advertising effectiveness in Thailand |
Authors: | 麗美梅 Paisatchayakul, Napat |
Contributors: | 林芝璇 Lin Jhih-Syuan 麗美梅 Napat Paisatchayakul |
Keywords: | 在Instagram的按讚數 廣告揭發 認知信賴度 認知真實性 微型網紅 廣告效果 從眾效應 賦能理論 說服知識模型 “Like” counts on Instagram Advertising disclosure Perceived source credibility Perceived authenticity Micro-influencer Advertising effectiveness Bandwagon effect Affordance theory Persuasion knowledge model |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:29:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 摘要
Instagram 推出了一項功能,允許用戶在貼文中隱藏「按讚」的數目,這個新現象對消費者的影響至關重要。本研究以從眾效應 (Bandwagon Effect)、賦能理論 (Affordance Theory)、說服知識模型 (Persuasion Knowledge Model)探討在Instagram中按讚數對微型網紅於廣告效果上的影響,包含專業性、信賴度、吸引力和真實性。此外,本研究探討Instagram上的按讚數和廣告揭露對消費者認知的影響。本研究進一步探究消費者認知如何影響廣告效果,包括對於贊助貼文的態度、對品牌的態度和購買意願。
本研究以2×2架構 (「按讚」的數目:顯示vs. 隱藏 × 贊助揭露:顯示vs. 隱藏) 進行實驗設計,並提出假設。總計有342位女性 Instagram 用戶參與研究,有效樣本為225份。研究結果顯示,Instagram 上的按讚數、廣告揭露和其交互作用並未顯著影響參與者對微型網紅的認知。此外,研究結果顯示,參與者對贊助貼文的態度和對品牌的態度取決於對微型網紅的信賴度、吸引力和真實性,而不是專業性。當微型網紅的吸引力和真實性增加時,參與者的購買意願可能隨之增加。然而,專業性和信賴度對購買意願沒有顯著的影響。最後,本研究綜合研究結果提出理論與實務意涵,並對後續研究者提出建議。 ABSTRACT Instagram has introduced the feature that allows users to hide “Like” counts on their feeds. It is, therefore, considered crucial to comprehend the effect of this newly emerged phenomenon on consumers. Based on the bandwagon effect, affordance theory, and persuasion knowledge model, the present study examined the effect of Instagram “Like” counts on consumer perceptions of micro-influencers, including perceived expertise, perceived trustworthiness, perceived attractiveness, and perceived authenticity. The interaction effect between Instagram “Like” counts and advertising disclosure on consumer perceptions were also examined. This study further investigated how consumer perceptions impact advertising effectiveness in terms of attitude toward the sponsored post, attitude toward the brand, and purchase intention. A 2 (“Like” visibility: presence vs. absence) × 2 (advertising disclosure: presence vs. absence) between-subject experimental design was conducted to test the proposed hypotheses. A total of 342 female Instagram users participated in the current study, while 225 responses were retained for data analysis. The results suggested that “Like” counts on Instagram, advertising disclosure, and the interaction effect did not significantly influence participants’ perceptions of the micro-influencer. In addition, the results revealed that participant’s attitude toward the sponsored post and attitude toward the brand were significantly determined by perceived trustworthiness, attractiveness, and authenticity of the micro-influencer, but not by perceived expertise. Participant’s purchase intention was likely to increase when perceived attractiveness and authenticity of the micro-influencer increased. However, perceived expertise and trustworthiness had no significant effect on purchase intention. Theoretical and practical implications as well as the direction for future research are discussed. |
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