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    Title: 旅居臺灣印尼人的華語口音與其形象再現的關係研究
    Non-native Mandarin Accents and Representation of Indonesians in Taiwan
    Authors: 吳停勝
    Hansen, Fedrik
    Contributors: 葉嘉炘

    Yeh, Chia-Hsin
    Kang, Ting-Yu

    Fedrik Hansen
    Keywords: 印尼人
    Migrant workers
    Non-native Mandarin accents
    Racial discrimination
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:28:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究試以實驗研究法,探討臺灣人如何看待旅居臺灣印尼人的華語口音,以及印尼人的外貌如何影響臺灣人對於其華語口音的感知與評價,儘管印尼人為臺灣最大宗的外籍人口,而且印尼也是台灣移工最主要的來源,但與其他外國移民相比,印尼人似乎承受更多負面的刻板印象和偏見。除了受到主流社會的汙名化之外,大多數印尼人也對華語的學習感到挫折,因而較容易產生印尼腔的華語口音。由於先前研究認為口音是歧視和偏見最直接的載體,本研究預設印尼腔的華語口音將進一步加深臺灣人對印尼人的刻板印象與污名化,然而,目前各式文獻中,仍相當欠缺探討臺灣人對非母語華語口音感知與其刻板印象之間關聯性的相關研究。


    The study aims to examine how Taiwanese perceive Indonesian-accented Mandarin and how the perception is correlated with the physical appearance of Indonesians using an experimental approach. Although Indonesians are the largest foreign nationals as well as the prominent source of migrant workers in Taiwan, they seem to suffer more stereotypes and prejudice than other foreign nationals. Aside from some entrenched stigmas, such as poor, unsanitary, and run-away, most Indonesians also struggle with Mandarin language proficiency, making them subject to non-native Mandarin accents. As accented speech is believed to be a carrier of discrimination and prejudice, Indonesian-accented Mandarin is presumed to further enhance the stigmatized perceptions of Indonesians in Taiwan. However, it has been barely studied how non-native speakers’ Mandarin accents relate to their stereotypes projected by the native in the literature.

    To fill in the gap, the current study recruited a total of 30 Taiwanese Mandarin speakers as participants and set up three corresponding experiments: experiment 1 (audio-only), experiment 2 (audio-only), and experiment 3 (audio-visual). Each participant was asked to rate 216 audio trials recorded from four different speakers, including Standard Taiwan Mandarin, Korean-accented Mandarin, and two types of Indonesian-accented Mandarin varying in proficiency levels (i.e., high and low), based on the six evaluation criteria: degree of professionalism, economic level, education level, degree of attractiveness, degree of pleasantness, degree of elegance, adapted from the Speech Dialect Attitudinal Scale by Mulac (1975).

    The results suggest three findings as follows. First, Taiwanese participants’ evaluations of non-native Mandarin accents are strongly correlated to the proficiency level of Mandarin speaking along with the degree of mispronunciations. In other words, native speakers’ discrimination against non-native Mandarin accents is proved to be substantial. Second, Taiwanese participants’ perception of low-proficiency Indonesian-accented Mandarin is not significantly different from that of low-proficiency Korean-accented Mandarin, indicating that Taiwanese participants could not discriminate the two different types of Mandarin accents. That is to say, accent-related discrimination is a general occurrence rather than an issue specific to Indonesian speakers in the audio-only context. Third, the additional inputs of Indonesian images in the audio-visual setting actually improve the overall evaluations and do not exacerbate those entrenched stereotypes of Indonesians. Based on these findings above, the thesis proposes that non-native Mandarin accents simply play an auxiliary role in those presupposed stereotypes, such as a carrier to provoke or aggravate prejudice and discrimination against a racial minority. More crucially, the current participants as young Taiwanese cohorts exhibit a high level of cultural awareness, implying a potential success in multiculturalism and openness toward new immigrants in Taiwan.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201599
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