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    Title: 原生廣告倫理問題與規範初探
    An Exploratory Study on the Ethical Issues and Standards of Native Advertising
    Authors: 梁元齡
    Liang, Yuan-Ling
    Contributors: 鍾蔚文
    Chung, Wei-Wen
    Liang, Yuan-Ling
    Keywords: 原生廣告
    Native advertising
    Sponsored content
    Paid post
    Media ethics
    Advertising ethics
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:28:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究聚焦探索製作原生廣告的倫理可能性。近年來,原生廣告成為廣告類型的當紅炸子雞,該產品特性為贊助者與內容創作者共同產製,形式與其他獨立製作內容相似。對於資金窘困的新聞媒體業者而言,原生廣告是一種能夠維繫機構營收的合作選項。



    This research focuses on exploring the possibility of ethical practice in native advertising. In recent years, native advertising, a form of ads co-produced by sponsors and content creators that resemble editorials, has become one of the most popular advertising choices. News organizations have gradually adopted native advertising to generate profits and sustain their publication.

    Nevertheless, native advertising, which blends brand interests with journalistic practices, may mislead the audience and has aroused ethical concerns. Given the prevalence of native advertising, there have been few guidelines regarding its ethics, which may further endanger trust for both parties.

    This thesis attempts to address unethical practices and trust crises by examining the production processes further. First, this article will highlight how "trust" functions as an essence of native advertising, underlining the importance of journalism and enterprise ethics in the ecosystem and how they correlate with native ads` feasibility. Secondly, the research will display how native advertising is produced in four stages. Thirdly, the article identifies several unethical behaviors in the current production process and proposes possible solutions in each of the circumstances.

    Finally, this article will provide a new perspective by proposing an ethical collaboration framework to help all parties, including sponsors, editorial staff, and PR personnel, find a firm footing in the uncertain terrain of native advertising.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105461005
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201664
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