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Title: | 探討電商平台應用不同動態循環圖形對消費者之等待忍受度的影響 Exploring the influence of different loop motion graphics applied on e-commerce platform on consumers` waiting tolerance |
Authors: | 黃宥穎 Huang, Yu-Ying |
Contributors: | 鄭霈絨 廖峻鋒 Cheng, Pei-Jung Liao, Chun-Feng 黃宥穎 Huang, Yu-Ying |
Keywords: | 使用者經驗 回饋延遲 動態圖形 等待忍受度 電子商務平台 User experience Delayed feedback Motion graphics Waiting time tolerance E-commerce |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:26:35 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究為了解行動裝置上電子商務平台的消費者當發生用戶端網路延遲時,在等待介面應用不同類型的動態圖形指示器,是否影響他們的等待忍受度,以及會產生如何相對的情緒感受與使用者行為。因此,根據動態圖形的組成要素,設定「無提供指示器」、「環狀線形逆時鐘」、「環狀線形逆時鐘」、「方狀線形順時鐘」、「特色S字型線形」與「特色U字型線形」等指示器為樣本,記錄等待忍受時間與使用行為,並以開放式填答問卷調查等待過程中的情緒感受、行為動機、認知感受等資料,對等待忍受度與情緒進行深入探討。本研究採受試者間設計,招募180位年齡介於20至29歲的族群參與本研究實驗,分別調查消費者對六種樣本的等待忍受度與情緒差異。 研究結果顯示:(1)在搜尋頁面中提供指示器,能夠讓消費者願意停留在搜尋頁面更久的時間;(2)較常見的「環狀線形順時鐘」指示器確實更能讓消費者忍受等待,顯示目前常用的線上等待指示器是能夠提高消費者的等待忍受度;(3)行動裝置使用者的等待忍受時間約介於15至27秒之間,較一般電腦使用者有更高的等待忍受度;(4)等待忍受的過程中,消費者們感受最強烈的是「不確定」的情緒;(5)在行動裝置的電商平台上發生網路延遲的情境下,消費者多會以「滑動螢幕」的行為來反應對等待的不耐。 The study investigates how different types of motion graphic indicators on the e-commerce interface of a mobile phone during the waiting process affects the waiting tolerance of consumers while they are experiencing client network latency, and what kind of emotion and user behaviors they will have. Therefore, based on the components of the motion graphics, the study design six different indicators as research samples, including "no indicator", "circular linear clockwise", "circular linear anticlockwise", "square linear clockwise", "S-shaped linear" and "U-shaped linear", to record the consumers’ waiting tolerance time and their behaviors, and understand their emotions behavioral motivation and cognition during the waiting process through questionnaire with open-ended questions. In this study, 180 people aged between 20 and 29 years old were recruited to participate in the experiment. The result shows that: (1) Providing indicators on searching pages of an e-commerce interface can make consumers stay longer on the page; (2) The common "circular linear clock" indicator is more tolerable for consumers to wait, indicating that the current common online waiting indicators do improve consumers` waiting tolerance; (3) The waiting tolerance time of the mobile device users is about 15 to 27 seconds, which is higher than the personal computer users; (4) "Uncertainty" is the strongest emotion that consumers felt during the waiting process; (5) In the case of network delay on an e-commerce platform of the mobile device, consumers tend to "slide the screen" frequently for reacting to the impatience of waiting situation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 數位內容碩士學位學程 109462010 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109462010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201556 |
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