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Title: | 「我能夠被稱為社工嗎?」:探究社會工作專業的建制影響 Could I Call Myself a "Social Worker"? — Explore the Institutional Impact on Social Work Profession |
Authors: | 甘填 Kan, Tien |
Contributors: | 楊佩榮 Yang, Pei-Jung 甘填 Kan, Tien |
Keywords: | 社會工作 證照制度 詮釋學 反身性思考 專業建制 規訓權力 敘事研究 Social work Licensure system Hermeneutics Reflexive thinking Professional institutionalization Disciplinary power Narrative research |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:23:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究從在社會工作實習場域時自我萌生:「我不會使用同理心」作為出發,透過梳理自己的生命經驗與社會工作之間的關係開始,逐漸剖析從大學開始便接受系統化社會工作訓練,並持續考取研究所與社會工作師證照的我,理應是社會工作專業所期待的模範,卻在實習過程中不斷自我質疑與迷惘,質疑自己擁有社工師證照,就有資格被稱為社工嗎?並在摸索答案的過程中重新梳理同理心如何進入社會工作領域、社會工作師法及證照制度的發展歷程、社會大眾對於社工的刻板印象等,並以Foucault所提出的規訓權力作為閱讀問題的觀點,試著以規訓權力所創造出的「主體」、自由作為權力形式中的必要、知識與法制和權力交織作用等關鍵去看見日常生活中那些習以為常的「應該」、「理當」如何成為規訓權力運作的目的。
希冀透過本研究之提出,個人能夠在巨大的社會結構感受與看見到那些不適切與不應當,以此作為反思的起點,摸索日常生活中的建制與規訓,並在自己所站的位置持續保有抵抗的意識與行動的量能。 This research initiated from personal experience during social work field practicum. I questioned myself whether I had the capacity to express empathy. By sorting out the relationship between life experiences of my own and from other social work students, I analyzed systematically the social work training processes from college to graduate school as well as the commonality for social work students to obtain social work professional licensure immediately after college graduation. Considering the systemic training and the licensure I received, I was supposed to be on the ‘right’ professional track, but during my practicum, I constantly questioned myself: “Even if I have the social work licensure, am I qualified to be called a social worker?” In the process of looking for answers, I examined (1) how empathy becomes an important part of social work practice, (2) the Social Worker Act, (3) the development of the social work licensure system, and (4) the types of stereotype toward social workers. Furthermore, I applied the concept of disciplinary power proposed by Foucault as the guiding lens for examining questions raised in this thesis. I explored how the habitual “should be” and “ought to”, operated through “the subject”, became the generating force of disciplinary power. I also paid attention to the way freedom, as the essence of power relations, knowledge, law and power intertwined influencing the daily decisions of “the subject”.
This research used Heidegger’s hermeneutics method. Starting from my personal experience, and through narrative studies and interviews, I reflexively appeared and intertwined my social work stories with those of other social work students who shared similar social work experiences with me. I then returned to my initial questions and answered which with a prospective new understanding including the perspective of myself and every interviewees participating in this study. I proposed two levels of understating: (1) Disciplinary power is present. It operates through the academic training and practicum courses experienced by social work students, and the social work licensure system further strengthens it. (2) The Confucian culture and values and the scholar-bureaucrat examination/entrance system during Imperial China has permeated the daily lives of contemporary individuals of Chinese heritage, through which disciplinary power appears in multiple forms affecting the operation of individual’s daily decisions. When individuals pursue what they thought is rationality narrowing their directions in binary classification, the diversity and the abundance of human nature disappear, further eliminating the humanity and the essence of the individual.
This research aimed to make aware what is ‘inappropriate’ in the contemporary large structure of the societal system, and hopes individuals might use this as a starting point for self-reflection. This research also hopes that any individuals might be aware of the constructive power relations present in everyone’s daily positions, and be able to resist with awareness and actions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 105264016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105264016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201539 |
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