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    Title: 聖文森及格瑞那丁聯合國安全理事會非常任理事國席位之取得: 契機與行動
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’s election to the United Nations Security Council as a non-permanent member: Impulse and Action
    Authors: 沈亦姍
    Contributors: 陳秉逵
    Chen Ping-Kuei
    Keywords: 聯合國安全理事會
    Shadeisha George-Mattis
    United Nations Security Council,
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:22:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 小國於國際政治中的新興角色,與⻄方國際關係哲學家認定的哲學基礎截然不同。以歷史而言,主流國際關係辯論不適用於後殖⺠國家,且其低估了後殖⺠國家的概念能力(ideational capabilities ),甚而不肯認他們具備參與安理會制定全球決策的機會。然而,聖文森及格瑞那丁卻被選為聯合國安理會的成員,這樣的情況與上述的論述或結構相悖。儘管有大量研究致力於探討聯合國安理會選舉後各國的參與,但很少有研究試圖探究小國在取得安理會席位前所採取的策略。
    The emergent role of the small state in international politics is distinctly antithetical to the philosophical underpinnings of all that Western International Relations philosophers had
    destined it to be. Mainstream international relations debates have historically been unaccommodating to post-colonial states, underestimating their ideational capabilities and withholding from them the opportunity to be seated at the inner sanctums of global policy-making. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’s experience in achieving the privilege of being
    voted onto the United Nations Security Council, flies in the face of this narrative/construct. So while a significant amount of research has been dedicated towards countries’ involvement in the United Nations Security Council post-election, very few have sought to interrogate the steps
    taken by Small States to achieve such a position. Certainly, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’s admission to the UNSC as the smallest country ever to have been elected, provides basis for research to take place. How did this tiny country manage to accomplish this feat? What were the strategies used to acquire such as a seat? This research provides a qualitative analysis of the strategies used by Saint Vincent and the Grenadines in order to be elected to the UNSC, by arguing that Saint Vincent and the Grenadines was able to accomplish this goal by: securing regional endorsement when the campaign was still in its nascent stages; entering into reciprocal agreements with members of the United Nations General Assembly; having prime ministerial outreach; maintaining a principled UN approach; and by functioning in various leadership capacities prior to its announcement to run. It draws from the theory of social constructivism to explore how a tiny country without material might was able to use its identity and foreign policy stance to formulate ideas to achieve such a feat.
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