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Title: | 歐盟規範性權力在南韓的實踐 過去十年的回顧 The European Union’s Normative Power in South Korea: Retrospective on the last decade |
Authors: | 方依娃 FAJARDO, Eva |
Contributors: | 蘇卓馨 Cho-Hsin SU 方依娃 Eva FAJARDO |
Keywords: | 歐洲聯盟 韓國 規範性權力 歐韓關係 歐韓自由貿易協定 歐盟規範權力 European Union South Korea normative power EU-Korea relations EU-Korea FTA Normative Power Europe |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:21:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2011年,歐盟(EU)與韓國之間的自由貿易協定(FTA)生效。該 FTA 是歐盟簽署的新一代 FTA 中的第一個,其中包括貿易與可持續發展章節。 FTA 作為其規範權力的工具,涉及勞工權利、環境保護和知識產權等主題,旨在實現監管趨同。本研究著眼於 2011 年至 2021 年 10 年期間該 FTA 的影響、其規範內容以及它建立的監督和爭端解決機構。它著眼於對韓國法律法規的中間影響,以及對最終的影響,看看地面的條件。由於韓國是歐盟僅有的十個戰略夥伴之一,是世界上唯一一個與歐盟簽署了三大協定(FA、FTA、FPA)的國家,也是一個發展水平和價值觀相近的國家在法治或民主方面,韓國是最有可能的案例,並且有望成為來自歐盟的規範的理想接受者。然而,本研究發現,在自貿協定實施 10 年後,歐盟對韓國的規範影響並不顯著,這與之前針對其他歐盟自貿協定簽署國和規範接受國的研究結果相似。它還發現,國內因素,例如從 2017 年開始的文在寅總統任期,似乎推動了大多數變化,而不是歐盟的影響。未來,有必要對歐盟規範權力對接受國的影響進行更多研究,以確定其成功程度和可行性。 In 2011, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the European Union (EU) and South Korea entered into force. This FTA was the first of a new generation of FTAs signed by the EU that included a Trade & Sustainable Development chapter. Used as a tool for its normative power, the FTA touched on subjects such as labour rights, environmental protection and intellectual property rights with the goal to create regulatory convergence. This research looks at the impact of this FTA, its normative contents as well as the monitoring and dispute settlement institutions it built, across a ten year period between 2011 and 2021. It looks at the intermediate impact on Korea’s laws and regulations but also on the ultimate impact with a look at the conditions on the ground. Since Korea is one of only ten strategic partners of the EU, the only country in the world that has signed three major agreements (FA, FTA, FPA) with the EU and a country with a similar level of development as well as values such as the rule of law or democracy, Korea is a most likely case and is expected to be an ideal recipient of norms coming from the EU. However, this research finds that there has been an unremarkable normative impact by the EU on South Korea after 10 years of implementation of the FTA, which is similar to findings in previous studies focused on other EU FTA signatories and norm recipient countries. It also finds that domestic factors such as the presidency of Moon Jae In that started from 2017 appear to have driven most changes as opposed to the EU’s influence. In the future, more research is necessary on the impact of the EU’s normative power in receiving countries to determine its level of success and viability. |
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