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Title: | 2000年-2020年臺灣單親家戶樣態變遷與生活境遇 The Change of Composition and Life Situation of Single Parent Family in Taiwan, 2000-2020 |
Authors: | 楊舜翔 Yang, Shuen-Hsiang |
Contributors: | 陳信木 Chen, Hsin-Mu 楊舜翔 Yang, Shuen-Hsiang |
Keywords: | 單親家戶 家戶人口組成 生活機會 經濟弱勢 Single parent family Household composition Life chances Financial disadvantaged |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:21:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,因低結婚率與少子女化,臺灣的核心家戶逐漸減少,然而與此同時,由家長婚姻解組所形成的單親家戶卻持續增加。此外,因應單親家戶的數量增加,其經濟狀況與生活適應議題廣受學界與政府關注。因此,為釐清近來單親家戶數量增加的成因、掌握單親家戶的樣貌與生活境遇,本研究引用2000年至2020年家庭收支調查資料,並依據以下兩套定義:一、按照「家戶世代數」與「經濟戶長身分別」將單親家戶分為五種類型;二、根據戶內是否有未成年子女將單親家戶區分為兩種類別,分別針對各類單親家戶的人口組成、家戶成員教育程度與職業地位取得機會,以及家戶所得水準等三大主題進行分析。 藉由上述分析,本研究主要發現如下: 一、戶內有未成年子女的單親戶逐漸減少,全數子女皆成年的單親戶漸趨主流 二、女性單親家長多獨自扶養子女,男性單親家長較可能與其父母同住 三、子女擔任經濟戶長的二世代單親戶主要由中老年母親與成年兒子組成 四、各年齡層單親家長的教育程度與職業地位皆較雙親家長弱勢 五、單親子女在社經地位取得上受到持續且累積性的影響 六、各類單親家戶所得皆低於核心家戶,且三世代單親家戶較二世代單親家戶面臨更大經濟壓力 七、單親家戶所得存在家長性別及家戶型態差異,二世代單親家戶中以女性單親家長所得較差,三世代單親家戶則以男性家長更缺乏經濟資源 Due to the low marriage rate and low fertility rate, the number of core families in Taiwan is decreasing in recent years, yet the number of single parent families that composed of divorced or widowed parent is meanwhile increasing. In addition, owing to the growth of single parent families, the government and academics are aware of the issues about their financial situation and life adjustment. Therefore, this research focuses on the cause of the increase, the structure and the life situation of single parent families. To well understand the issues mentioned above, this article takes the data from The Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, 2000-2020, and adopts following definitions. 1.Dividing single parent families into five categories by “the number of household generation” and “the kinship title of household head.” 2. Separating single parent families into two groups by whether there is underage child within the household. Using these two definitions, the article mainly analyzes the following three topics including the composition, the members’ possibility to achieve educational degree or professional status, and the financial situation of single parent families. In brief, the findings of this research are: 1. The number of the single parent families with at least an underage child is decreasing. In contrast, the single parent family with only adult children has become the main category of single parent families. 2. Single mothers tend to raise children on their own, and single fathers are more inclined to coreside with their parents. 3. Child-headed 2-generation single parent families are mostly composed of an elderly mother and an adult son. 4. In each age group, a single parent has lower education degree and professional status compared to a parent has a spouse. 5. The effect on children of single parents is continuous and cumulative. It leads to their lower socioeconomic status. 6. Household income is lower in each category of single parent families compared to core families. Also, the 3-generation single families face severer financial pressure than 2-generation single parent families. 7. There is financial difference between single parents’ gender and family structures. In general, a single mother has lower income in 2-generation single parent families, yet a single father is more lacking in financial resources in 3-generation single parent families. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會學系 109254003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109254003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201532 |
Appears in Collections: | [社會學系] 學位論文
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