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Title: | 在兩公約脈絡下我國司法實務死刑議題的發展 The Study of the practice of death penalty in Taiwan under the context of two International human right covenants |
Authors: | 吳廣莉 Wu, Kuang Li |
Contributors: | 楊雲驊 YANG, YUN-HUA 吳廣莉 Wu, Kuang Li |
Keywords: | 兩公約 死刑 一般性意見 人權事務委員會 情節最嚴重犯罪 精神障礙 教化可能性 Human right covenant Death penalty Human Rights Committee General Comments The most serious crimes Serious psycho-social and intellectual disabilities Possibility of rehabilitation. |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:19:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 公民與政治權利國際公約(The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,ICCPR,以下簡稱公政公約)及經濟社會文化權利國際公約(The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,ICESCR,以下簡稱經社文公約)(以下同時提及上述兩公約時簡稱兩公約)於1966年經聯合國決議通過,由各簽約國簽署存放後於1976年正式生效,成為國際社會共同遵守的人權憲章。我國雖非聯合國會員國,無法依公約締結方式成為締約國,惟為彰顯我國人權立國的理念,恪遵國際社會共同維護人權的職責,特別以內國法化之方式,於民國98年3月31日經立法院審議通過,同年4月22日總統公布公民與政治權利國際公約及經濟社會文化權利國際公約施行法(以下簡稱兩公約施行法),並於12月10日施行。兩公約及兩公約施行法的正式施行,對於我國死刑法制面及司法實務面後續發展,產生極大衝擊。 兩公約及兩公約施行法施行後,在施行初期司法實務少有援引兩公約規定及其相關解釋意旨。其後在民國100年後始逐漸出現引用公政公約之規定及其相關解釋意旨,採為不得判處死刑之依據。特別在2018年人權事務委員會就公政公約第六條生命權規定作成第36號一般性意見,對情節最嚴重犯罪、嚴重社會心理和心智障礙有更為明確的解釋,提供後續司法實務在死刑案件的認定上更為清晰的指引,佐以司法實務發展出之教化可能性論點,均對後續司法實務在死刑案件審理上產生重大影響。 本文研究方法係綜合文獻分析法、內容分析法、統計分析法。首先採文獻分析法、內容分析法從死刑議題的理論探究、有無違憲情形、國際人權公約與死刑議題、兩公約就死刑議題的立場、死刑案件在我國司法實務的演變等議題加以研析。再以「量處死刑&褫奪公權終身」為檢索關鍵字,從司法院法學資料檢索系統搜尋最高法院兩公約施行前後之刑事判決,以統計分析法,分析判決資料所呈現的現象,作為提出研究結論及建議的依據。 The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which were both adopted by the United Nations in 1966 and entered into force in 1976. The two covenants are known as the International Bill of Human Rights. Although Taiwan is Not a Member of the United Nations, it is not possible to become a contracting party of the two covenants. Taiwan demonstrated the concept of building a country with human rights and abide by the responsibility of the international community to jointly safeguard human rights. In 2009 , Taiwan passed an Act to Implement the two covenants. The implementation of the two covenants resulted in a great impact on the follow-up development of death penalty in legal system and judicial practice. After the implementation of the two covenants, the judicial in practice rarely cites the provisions of the two covenants and their related interpretations in the early stage of implementation. Till 2011, the provisions of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its related interpretation intentions were gradually adopted as the basis for not to impose the death penalty. In particularly, Human Rights Committee published the General Comment no.36 related to the right to life in Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provided clearer explanations on the most serious crimes, serious psycho-social and intellectual disabilities, and provided follow-up judicial practice in the death penalty. Clearer guidelines for the identification of cases, accompanied by the possibility of rehabilitation developed by judicial practice, have a significant impact on subsequent judicial practice in the trial of death penalty cases. The research in this paper are combines methods of literature review, content analysis, and statistical analysis. Firstly, the literature analysis method and content analysis method are used to analyze the theoretical exploration of the death penalty issue, whether it is unconstitutional, the international human rights conventions and the death penalty issue, the positions of the two covenants on the death penalty issue, and the evolution of death penalty cases in Taiwan’s judicial practice. Then, using "death penalty & deprivation of civil rights for life" as the search key, search the Supreme Court`s criminal judgments before and after the implementation of the two covenants from the Judicial Yuan`s legal information retrieval system, and use statistical analysis methods to analyze the phenomena presented in the judgment data, as a proposal. Basis for research findings and recommendations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法學院碩士在職專班 103961002 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103961002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201626 |
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