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Title: | 從排放權交易機制之訴訟論如何精進排放權交易機制之設計要素 How to Improve the Design Elements of an Emissions Trading Scheme from the Experiences of Lawsuits Relating to Emissions Trading Schemes |
Authors: | 李昀蓁 Li, Yun-Chen |
Contributors: | 施文真 Shih, Wen Chen 李昀蓁 Li, Yun-Chen |
Keywords: | 京都議定書 巴黎協定 排放權交易機制 排放權交易機制設計要素 核配量 氣候訴訟 抵換 Kyoto Protocol Paris Agreement Emissions Trading Scheme Design Features of Emissions Trading Scheme Allowance Climate Litigation Offset |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:17:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自1997年通過「京都議定書」以來,附錄一締約國為了達成其於議定書下之減排承諾,皆致力透過推行國內環境政策以達減排目標,而排放權交易機制便是其中一有力政策工具,其中又以「排放上限與交易」之類型為最常被使用。根據世界銀行發布之《碳排放交易機制設計手冊與指南》,在「排放上限與交易」類型下之設計要素主要有適用範圍與排放上限、分配核配量、遵循制度、彈性制度、連結制度等。每個設計要素都因不同國家、區域之排放權交易機制而產生不同的特性與問題。 本文透過與排放權交易機制設計要素有關之訴訟,整理各個不同設計要素在不同國家、區域下之排放權交易機制被控訴的原因與法院見解,發覺目前難以用一個完美框架去適用各國之排放權交易機制,原因在於排放權交易機制設計本身須配合國家與區域的獨特性,故難以用統一形式做設計。不過藉由過往訴訟經驗,仍能提供未來欲建立排放權交易機制之政策制定者相關想法與建議,避免再次發生同類型之訴訟。 Since the adoption of the "Kyoto Protocol" in 1997, the contracting parties have committed to achieving emission reduction targets through the implementation of domestic environmental policies for their nationally determined contributions. Emissions trading mechanism is one of the powerful policy tools, especially "cap and trade" type is the most commonly used. According to《Emissions Trading in Practice:A Handbook on Design and Implementation》issued by the World Bank, the design features under the " cap and trade" type mainly include scope and cap, allocation allowance, compliance, flexibility and linking etc. Each design feature has different characteristics and problems due to ETS in different countries and regions. Through the litigation related to the design elements of the emission trading mechanism, this paper sorted out the reasons why ETSs with different design elements were sued in different countries and regions and the opinions of the courts, and found that it was difficult to use a perfect framework to apply ETS of various countries. The reason is that design ETS must match the uniqueness of the country and region, so it is difficult to design with a unified form. However, based on litigation experiences, they can still provide relevant ideas and suggestions for policy makers who want to establish ETS in the future, so as to avoid the recurrence of similar lawsuits. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 109351044 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109351044 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201523 |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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