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    Title: 以圖研圖-畫說圖像中的相似性感知
    A Study of Pictorial Likeness Through Pictures
    Authors: 錢昱昕
    Chien, Yu-Hsin
    Contributors: 林玲遠
    Chien, Yu-Hsin
    Keywords: 感知
    Visual perception
    Sensory experience
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:12:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究乃是以漫畫形式書寫的學術論文,屬於藝術本位之研究取向(arts-based research),研究者希望融合理論與圖像創作實踐,以全面與及互動的方式來表達研究問題。藝術本位研究是將藝術創作的原理融合至學術研究中,其類型非常多樣化,但基本信念皆相信藝術在人類的知識活動上扮演重要角色,主張藝術能提供一種通往傳統研究難以觸及之研究目標的途徑(Leavy, 2015/陳怡倩、謝宛玲譯,2019)。藝術本位研究看重感官、情緒、知覺、動作與想像等前語言的認識途徑;因此,當研究者的目的是探索描述、喚起或激發時,藝術本位的研究通常是合適的(Leavy, 2017/鐘玉觀等譯,2020,頁12)。

      本研究主題在探討人對圖像與對象相似性的感知,起源於研究者本身在圖像實踐中所發現的疑惑。本研究之目的除了想了解觀者如何判斷圖像與對象之間的相似性,更重要的是希望從生態感知(ecological perception)的角度,探討畫者如何捕捉其對象;藉由這樣的理解,思考新穎繪畫之可能。為了了解人如何感知圖像與對象之間的相似性,本文從James J. Gibson (1904–1979) 的視知覺理論中的不變性(invariant)概念出發,結合Jakob Johann von Uexküll(1864–1944)的環世界(Umwelt)理論,並以案例探討來逐步延伸、擴充概念,以闡明有機體與環境之間的相生相依關係。最後回歸繪畫的溝通本質,認同繪畫是一種發現而非發明,並以視野頻譜的切換實驗(Riley, 2016)之概念與其他畫者共勉之。
    In accordance with the idea of art-based research (ABR), this research is an academic dissertation presented in the form of comics. The researcher aims to address the research question in a more holistic and engaged way in which theoretical inquiry and graphic narrative are intertwined. ABR entails incorporating the principles of the creative arts into a research endeavour. It can take a variety of forms, but the underlying premise is that arts play a significant part in human intellectual activity and that arts are able to access that which is otherwise out of reach (Leavy, 2015). Preverbal modes of knowing, such as sensory, emotional, perceptual, kinesthetic, and imaginal knowledge are valued in this kind of research. When the researcher`s purpose is to explore, describe, evoke, provoke, or unsettle, ABR is generally appropriate (Leavy, 2017).

    This study aims not only to comprehend how viewers evaluate the similarities between images and objects, but also to investigate how image-makers capture their subjects from the standpoint of ecological perception, and to consider the innovative possibilities in imaged-making. To understand the perception of physiognomic likeness, this thesis begins with the concept of invariant in James J. Gibson`s (1904-1979) visual perception theory, combined with Jakob Johann von Uexküll`s (1864-1944) Umwelt theory, and gradually extends and expands the concept with illustrated examples to clarify the interdependent relationship between organisms and their environment. In the end, the thesis returns to the communicational nature of art, asserting that image-making is about the discovery of stimulus that is similar to the referent in some ways, rather than an invention of arbitrary language. Following this, the experiment on switching "channels of vision" (Riley, 2016) is described and shared with readers who are engaged in image-making practice.
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    徐晟軒(2021)。《 似顏繪的像與不像—圖像創作的感知研究》。政治大學傳播研究所碩士論文。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105941019
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201538
    Appears in Collections:[傳播學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文

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