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    Title: 線上團訪來了,記者如何展現本領?-科技線記者在防疫情境下的智能配置
    How tech reporters utilize social intelligence in group interview tasks under the pandemic? The distributed view of journalist work
    Authors: 姚嘉洋
    Yao, Chia-Yang
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Yao, Chia-Yang
    Keywords: 科技記者
    Journalistic work
    Interview strategies
    Distributed intelligence
    Human-tool corporation
    Social capital
    COVID-19 pandemic
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:12:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在了解台灣科技記者在三級警戒下,如何利用配置智能來突破線上團訪時所面臨的情境限制。
    This research aims to discover how journalist of tech news develop their information-gathering strategies by employing social intelligence during the time of COVID-19 pandemic.
    This research set its reasoning based on the perspectives of social intelligence, social capital as well as instrumental intelligence. The author argues that journalistic work relies largely on social distribution of human intelligence. First of all, the social intelligence point of view mainly highlights that the reporter`s interview task, that is, interacting with the social situation, must use social resources and unlock the relevant restrictions to complete the interview. Secondly, social capital can be used to describe the social resources in journalists` interview tasks, that is, personal connections, which usually refer to the social capital accumulated and used by journalists in the past and present. Finally, technological intelligence refers to the various technologies that journalists work together in their acquisition tasks and around their environment; through these technologies, journalists enable and embody social intelligence to complete their interview tasks.
    Taiwan experienced the COVID-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2021, and the government launched a three-level alert, forming a crucial interview setting for journalists. The reporters are no longer faced with the usual interview situations. Sources (enterprises as well as governmental sectors) utilize the online conference software for news conference, which greatly reduces the opportunities for reporters to make use of the niches in face-to-face communication, and therefore limits the use of reporters` personal contacts with the sources. In this case, journalists face great challenges in activating social intelligence, in addition to using social capital, they also need the cooperation of tool intelligence. It is quite interesting to know how the journalist solve the problem like this?
    The current research employs in-depth interview to collect data from 14 journalist in tech reporting. The author found that, journalists take social intelligence as the main axis during the epidemic, linking social capital and tool intelligence, thus producing interview strategies under the epidemic. Based on this theoretical framework, this study analyzes the working state of technology journalists and the theoretical implications behind this interview strategy.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104941014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201570
    Appears in Collections:[EMA Program in Communication] Theses

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