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    Title: 利社會自我的雙歷程模型:私我意識為調節變項
    A dual process model of prosocial self: Private self-consciousness as a moderator
    Authors: 胡斐
    Hu, Fei
    Contributors: 李怡青

    Lee, I-Ching
    Sun, Chien-Ru

    Hu, Fei
    Keywords: 經驗性歷程
    Experiential process
    Private self-consciousness
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:10:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 清楚地了解自己並形成穩定的自我認同對擁有具有意義且健康的生活是重要的。過去的理論主張採用系統性自我建構的方式(例如,自我反思)以獲得自我相關的知識,並在此基礎之上形成認同。然而,系統性的方式並非適合所有人。低私我意識者較缺乏動機採自我反思來獲得自我知識。因此,本研究從自我發現的相關理論汲取想法提出一個自我理解和認同的模式,其中包含系統性自我建構的反思性歷程及經驗性歷程,並將此模式應用於利社會自我的理解與認同。透過虛擬實境技術來模擬助人情境,本論文以三個研究評估兩個歷程對利社會自我理解和認同的影響。研究一發現:從事助人行為(經驗性歷程)的青少年認為自己比沒有從事助人行為的青少年有更多的利社會特質。研究二和三比較了經驗性和反思歷程對自我理解的影響。結果發現,相較於反思過去助人經驗的參與者,從事利社會行為的參與者自陳更多正向的利社會特質(研究二和三);而利社會特質又增加利社會職業認同(研究三)。此外,個體的私我意識的程度可能會影響自我理解歷程的有效性。高私我意識者可以從自我反思和經驗性歷程中獲得利社會的自我理解,並因此增加其利社會的職業認同。而低私我意識者只有透過經驗性歷程來獲得利社會的自我知識並且進一步增加利社會的職業認同。最後,對於三個研究的限制、經驗性歷程、自我反思,以及兩種歷程在自我理解和認同的理論和實務上的貢獻做了討論。
    Having a clear self-understanding and a stable self-identity is fundamental for people to have a meaningful and healthy life. Scholars have claimed to adopt systematic self-construction (e.g., self-reflection) to gain self-knowledge and build identities on it. However, systematic approaches may not be suitable for everyone. Adolescents with low private self-consciousness (PRSC) are less motivated to use self-reflection to gain self-knowledge. Consequently, this research drew ideas from self-discovery to propose and examine a new model of self-understanding and self-identity. The model included self-reflection and experiential processes, and it was used to examine prosocial self-understanding and identity. We used immersive virtual environment technology to simulate helping situations. Three studies were used to evaluate the impact of the two processes on self-understanding and self-identity. In Study 1, we demonstrated that adolescents engaging in helping behaviors (an experiential process) identified themselves as more prosocial than those who did not engage in helping behaviors. In Study 2 and Study 3, we compared the effects of experiential and reflection processes on self-understanding. We found that participants’ positive prosocial traits would increase more through engaging in prosocial behavior than reflecting on past prosocial experiences (Study 2 and 3), which in turn increased prosocial professional self-identity (Study3). Furthermore, PRSC levels may influence the effectiveness of self-understanding. High PRSCs can gain self-understanding both from the self-reflection and the experiential process, which further increased their prosocial professional self-identity. However, low PRSCs benefit only from the experiential process. Finally, the limitations of the three studies and the theoretical and practical contributions regarding the experiential process, self-reflection, and two processes in self-understanding and self-identity are discussed.
    Reference: 陳淑琦(1999)。大學理工科系學生生涯自我效能、結果預期、職業興趣與職業選擇之相關研究。(未發表之碩士論文)。高雄師範大學輔導研究所碩士論文,未出版。高雄。


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