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Title: | 由延伸生產者責任論我國一般廢棄物回收清除處理法制 An Extended Producer Responsibility Aspect on the Regime of Waste Recycling, Clearance, and Disposal in Taiwan |
Authors: | 張晏芳 Chang, Yen-Fang |
Contributors: | 傅玲靜 Fu, Ling-Ching 張晏芳 Chang, Yen-Fang |
Keywords: | 延伸生產者責任 廢棄物清理法 回收清除處理費 環境法 環境公課 Waste Disposal Act Extended producer responsibility Recycling, clearance, and disposal fees Environmental Law Environmental taxes |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:07:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我國現行的廢棄物回收清除處理制度,在廢棄物清理法的規定下,依廢棄物之來源,分為事業廢棄物及一般廢棄物。此種分類方式使得事業與製造一般廢棄物的責任業者,分別負有不同的廢棄物回收清理義務,即事業負有回收清理事業廢棄物之行為義務,製造一般廢棄物之責任業者則僅須繳納回收清除處理費,並由地方政府負責回收清理。在回收清除處理費之課徵是為落實延伸生產者責任,由責任業者為環境污染行為負責之制度下,我國全面課以責任業者繳納回收清除處理費,並授權主管機關對於責任業者範圍之認定、回收清除處理費費率之決定、繳費之計算標準及計算方式等享有一定之形成空間之回收清理模式,實為立法者、行政機關乃至作成司法院釋字第788號解釋之大法官,未能具體掌握延伸生產者責任制度落實之方法與應遵守之指導原則,致使回收清除處理費之課徵有侵害責任業者基本權利及未能達到經濟誘導目的之疑慮。 關於延伸生產者責任制度之落實,歐洲聯盟除了在2008年廢棄物框架指令中明確定義延伸生產者責任之概念外,也陸續公布了與廢棄包裝、報廢車輛、廢電機電子設備及廢電池等廢棄物回收清理相關之指令,以提供各國落實延伸生產者責任的方向。再者,美國在廢電子回收、廢地毯回收及廢容器回收之制度上,也有州政府引進延伸生產者責任之概念,以求能透過課以生產者回收清理廢棄物之義務,達到環境保護與永續發展之目標。因此,本文擬從延伸生產者責任制度發展較為成熟且完整的歐洲聯盟相關指令及美國的回收法制作為觀察標的,進而檢視我國廢棄物清理法制面上之問題,以期能建構出一套兼顧責任業者基本權利保障且亦能使其負起廢棄物回收清理責任,以促進環境資源回收再利用與永續發展的廢棄物回收清理法制。 Under the Waste Disposal Act, Taiwan`s waste recycling and disposal system is divided into industrial waste and general waste according to the source of waste. This classification method makes the industry activities and the responsible enterprises of general waste have different waste recycling and cleaning obligations. Industry activities are obliged to recycle and clean up industrial waste, while the responsible enterprises of general waste are only required to pay recycling, clearance, and disposal fees. Under the system in which the levy of recycling, clearance, and disposal fees is to implement extended producer responsibility, our country only levies the fees to responsible enterprises. Under the Waste Disposal Act, legislators also authorize the Environmental Protection Administration to determine the scope of the responsible enterprises, fee rates, the calculation standard, and the calculation methods. It is certainly the legislator, the administrative agency, and even the judge who made the interpretation of the Judicial Yuan No. 788 unable to know how to implement the extended producer responsibility. The collection of recycling, clearance and disposal fees may infringe the rights of the responsible enterprises and fail to achieve the purpose of economic inducement. The European Union has clearly given the definition of extended producer responsibility under Directive 2008/98/EC. And it also announced the Directives on waste packaging, end-of-life vehicles, waste electrical and electronic equipment, and waste batteries. Those Directives have provided the direction to EU countries to implement the extended producer responsibility. Furthermore, in the United States, in the system of waste electronic recycling, waste carpet recycling, and waste container recycling, some state governments have also adopted the concept of extended producer responsibility, in order to give the responsible enterprises obligation to recycle and clean up waste to protect the environment. Therefore, this thesis intends to analyze the EU directives and the US recycling laws, which are relatively mature and complete in the development of the extended producer responsibility system. Then I will examine the problems in the legal system of waste disposal in Taiwan, in order to construct a waste recycling and cleaning legal system that takes into account the protection of the basic rights of responsible enterprises and also enables them to take responsibility for waste recycling and cleaning, to promote the recycling and reuse of environmental resources and sustainable development. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 108651017 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108651017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201592 |
Appears in Collections: | [法律學系] 學位論文
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