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Title: | 兒童權利公約保障之休閒權—台灣與韓國法律實踐之比較 The Right to Leisure Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Practices in Taiwan and South |
Authors: | 黃莉晴 Huang, Li-Ching |
Contributors: | 孫迺翊 林佳和 Sun, Nai-Yi Lin, Chia-Ho 黃莉晴 Huang, Li-Ching |
Keywords: | 兒童權利公約 休閒權 受教權 韓國法 教育競爭 Convention on the Rights of the Child Right to leisure Right to education Korean law Educational competition |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:06:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 兒童權利公約為聯合國的核心人權公約之一,自1989年通過、1990年正式生效迄今,已經歷半甲子以上之歲月。鑒於公約條文與兒童處境的分析,須要認知到公約所承認的各項權利皆是相互依存和不可分割的,兒童權利公約的四大基本原則——禁止歧視、兒童最佳利益、生存與發展、兒童意見應受傾聽,即貫穿公約全文而有交互關聯性。公約的制定與通過,顯示了在國際人權的進程中,對兒童權利的關注方向已漸由傳統的保護供給取向,逐漸深化至多元的領域。其中,兒童的休閒權雖然經常被稱為「被忽略的權利」,實則與公約所載的各權利之間並不存在特定的位階關係。 若從我國法角度出發,臺灣已2014年藉《兒童權利公約施行法》之通過,以此將公約移植國內法規範體系,而賦予其國內法之效力。而此前對於兒少之保護更可散見於民法、刑法、以及《兒童及少年福利與權益保障法》等法中。惟公約的國內法化固然樹立了我國兒童權利進展的里程碑,其所引入的諸權利與原則將如何與本土法律、社會、文化相調和,仍值得探究。 事實上,臺灣的教育制度實則已趨普及且完備,惟正因為兒童與少年的教育問題受到臺灣家庭與社會的高度重視,而與其他亞洲社會同患有盛行的教育競爭問題。為此,本文選擇以文化、歷史、地緣上具有高度共通性的大韓民國為比較之對象,先後梳理臺韓在兒童權利公約定期報告審查以及法律實踐之驚,藉釐清兩國所共同經歷的教育競爭問題對於兒童權利的影響,並嘗試回答:休閒權與受教權之關係為何,是否存在優先列後之關係?教育競爭對於兒童的休閒權、以及其他權利的影響為何?父母行使親權,督促子女學習,是否有其界限?國家是否得基於國家教育之目的,干預父母親權之行使、或學生的休閒權? The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is one of the core human rights conventions of the United Nations, and it has been more than half a century since its adoption in 1989 and its entry into force in 1990. The four principles of the CRC - prohibition of discrimination, children’s best interests, survival and development, and the right of the child to be heard - are interrelated throughout the Convention. The formulation and adoption of the Convention shows that in the course of international human rights, the direction of concern for children`s rights has gradually deepened from the traditional direction of protection and provision to a diversified field. Although children`s right to leisure is often referred to as a "neglected right," there is no specific hierarchical relationship between it and the rights stipulated in the Convention. From the perspective of Taiwan`s domestic law, the Convention on the Rights of the Child was transposed into the domestic legal system in 2014 through the passage of the Implementation Law of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, giving it the force of domestic law. Previously, the protection of children could be found in the Civil Law, Criminal Law, and The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act. However, while the inport of the Convention has set a milestone in the progress of children`s rights in Taiwan, it is still worth exploring how the rights and principles it introduces will be reconciled with local laws, society, and culture. In fact, Taiwan`s education system has been well built. However, as Taiwanese families and society highly values academic achievements, it suffers from the same educational competition as other Asian societies, such as South Korea. To clarify the impact of educational competition on children`s rights that both countries have experienced, and to answer the question: What is the relationship between the right to leisure and the right to education? What is the impact of educational competition on children`s right to leisure and other rights? Is there a limit to the exercise of parental authority by parents to urge their children to learn? Can the state interfere with the exercise of parental rights or the leisure rights of students for the purpose of state education? |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律學系 106651055 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651055 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201659 |
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