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    Title: 廣告訴求、品牌知名度對消費者商品感知價值、品牌偏好、廣告態度及品牌態度之影響
    The Effect of Advertising Appeals and Brand Awareness on Consumers` perceived Value, Brand Preference, Advertising Attitude and Brand Attitude
    Authors: 胡琰
    Contributors: 郭貞
    Keywords: 廣告訴求
    Advertising appeals
    Brand awareness
    Perceived value
    Brand preference
    Advertising attitude
    Brand attitude
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:05:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 廣告作為一種宣傳商品的有效方式而存在,在商品同質化現象越發明顯的當下,對於擴大宣傳、提升競爭力方面更是發揮了很大作用。一個廣告是否成功,不僅影響到消費者對產品的感知印象,更關係到對品牌的態度。而品牌知名度的提高與廣告投放是密切相關的。進行廣告投放,需要慎重選擇廣告信息。合理的運用廣告策略、品牌戰略,創造較高的品牌價值並與消費者的品牌價值需求相匹配以最大程度的提升消費者的品牌態度、廣告態度是企業贏得市場的重要環節。
    Advertising exists as an effective way to promote products, and plays a great role in expanding publicity and enhancing competitiveness at a time when the phenomenon of homogenization of products is becoming more and more obvious. The success of an advertisement not only affects the perception of consumers` impression of the product, but also relates to the attitude towards the brand. The improvement of brand awareness and advertising is closely related. To place advertisements, you need to carefully choose the advertising message. Reasonable use of advertising strategy, brand strategy, to create a higher brand value and match the brand value needs of consumers to maximize the brand attitude of consumers, advertising attitude is an important part of the enterprise to win the market.
    This study attempts to analyze the relationship between different advertising appeals and brand awareness on consumers` perceived value of goods, brand preference, advertising attitude and brand attitude, and whether there is an interaction between different advertising appeals and brand awareness on consumers` perceived value of goods, brand preference, advertising attitude and brand attitude.
    In this study, a two-factor experimental design was used (different advertising appeals: rational appeals/emotional appeals, brand awareness: well-known brands/non-known brands). A total of 178 subjects were recruited for the experiment. It was found that different advertising appeals affect consumers` perceived social value of goods, and perceptual appeals are significantly greater than rational appeals; rational appeals are significantly greater than perceptual appeals in terms of consumers` advertising attitudes; brand awareness is higher, consumers` perceived value of goods, brand preference, advertising attitudes and brand attitudes are significantly better than brand awareness.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109464065
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201507
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