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Title: | 以媒介化的概念討論《狗屎寫手》閱聽人的幽默笑點接收 Audience Reception of Humor Content of Ghost Writer: A Mediatization Perspective |
Authors: | 楊雅安 Yang, Ya-An |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 楊雅安 Yang, Ya-An |
Keywords: | 狗屎寫手 單口喜劇 幽默噴霧 媒介邏輯 媒介化理論 接收分析 Ghost Writer Stand-up comedy Humor-spray Media logic Mediatization Reception analysis |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:04:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在喜劇文化中,單口喜劇(stand-up comedy)標榜表演者行為、言語上的過度展現為風格,與一般電視節目做出區分。隨著網路普及、社群平台興起,單口喜劇表演場域從現場延伸進入網路空間,原本只在此時此地發生的表演得以不被空間限制、不限觀看次數,永世流傳。隨之而來的是各方評價湧入,使節目方修正節目內容,以適應媒介邏輯和觀眾偏好。媒介的特性及其安排,影響喜劇文本走向奇觀。 本文將以媒介化的概念,了解單口喜劇發生場域的轉變,將如何影響行為者與媒介間的互動和社會文化的轉變歷程。閱聽人又是如何接收這些奇觀表演下的幽默段子,是否會對攻擊性內容、地獄梗畫出界線。本文選擇於網路製播的《狗屎寫手》為研究場域,透過參與式觀察和焦點團體訪談發現,閱聽人為了享受表演帶來的愉悅和融入社群的需求,會主動接受幽默噴霧的機制,擴張媒介空間。在此媒介空間中學習合宜的反應及行為,學習的對象包括寫手、表演者及其他觀眾。除此之外,以性別作為變項的結果發現,男性受訪者較看重節目機制;女性受訪者則容易在觀看中反身,與自我連結,影響幽默內容接收。 In comedy culture, stand-up comedy distinguishes itself from other television programs due to its exaggerated and offensive performance. With the emergence of the Internet and social media platforms, the performance field of stand-up comedies has been extended from on-site to online. The performances that were once bound by time and space can now be enjoyed anytime, anywhere, and be circulated online forever. What has followed has been an influx of reviews from all stakeholders. Producers and writers thus have to revise their program content to suit media logic and audience preferences. Because of the characteristics of the Internet, comedy content has also become more and more of a spectacle. Based on the concept of mediatization, this study aims to explore the interactions between actors (i.e., performers, writers, producers, and audiences) and the media as well as how all stakeholders adapt to the changing environment of stand-up comedy. This study also aims to explore whether audiences draw the line at spectacular humor content and offensive hellish gags. The study examines "Ghost Writer", a program produced and broadcasted on YouTube, as the research field. Data from participant observation and focus group interviews indicate that in order to enjoy the pleasure brought by the performance and due to the need to fit in with the comedy community, audiences are willing to actively accept the mechanism of humor-spray, and in turn, expand the media space. In the media space, audiences learn how to respond and behave appropriately by learning from producers, writers, performers, and other audience members. In addition, using gender as a variable, it is found that male audience respondents value the program mechanism more; in contrast, female audience respondents are more likely to reflect on and connect the performance with themselves during viewing, which affects the reception of humor content. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 108464046 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108464046 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201596 |
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