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Title: | 社群媒體的再現框架:以同伴動物議題為例 Framing of Representation on Social Media: An Analysis of Companion Animal Issues |
Authors: | 黃珮蓁 Huang, Pei-Chen |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 Liu, Hui-Wen 黃珮蓁 Huang, Pei-Chen |
Keywords: | 社群媒體 框架 人與動物關係 寵物 中途送養 Social media Framing Human-animal relationship Pet Animal adoption |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 09:02:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 社群媒體流通著大量的動物敘事,然而不當的動物再現卻會影響閱聽人對動物的認知,甚至造成動物受苦的可能。本文透過與人類社會生活最親近的同伴動物為切入點,選擇2021年網路討論度最高的兩則動物保護事件:走私貓安樂死案與受虐貓茶茶案,來觀察同伴動物在Facebook上的議題框架。研究方法利用資料工具和語料庫軟體,先對貼文的發佈來源進行歸類,再以百大詞頻和共現詞彙來分析內文。研究發現,在走私貓案的分析中,一方面顯示出社群討論能夠深化到寵物商業鏈的結構問題,另一方面卻因政治人物的涉入與網軍的現身,使得同伴動物議題在移轉為政治化框架時產生失焦。虐貓案的社群討論對於動物保護的態度則為一致,雖然出現高度的悲憫化敘事,但仍有貼文會透過理性意見和網路連署行動來回應社群的集體情感。 Animal narratives are popularly dispersed on social media. However, inappropriate representation may twist audience ‘s perspective toward animals, thus increase the risk of animal suffering. In order to explore the framing of animal issues on social media, this study focused on companion animals, and chose two cases captured public attention in 2021: authorities euthanized 154 smuggled cats, and abused cat Tea Tea. The method adopted data tool to collect posts on Facebook, and analyzed the wording and context through Corpus Analysis. In the case of cat smuggling, results suggested that certain opinion deepened into the problem of pet buying and selling; but with the involve of politicians and emerge of cyber army, the issue of companion animals was reframed into political battle. On the other hand, the cat abusing case showed a consistent attitude towards animal protection; although the discussion demonstrated highly emotional narratives, some posts employed rational discourse and online petition to respond the collective sentiment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 105464026 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464026 |
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DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201581 |
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