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    Title: 探討文本摘要與使用者互動於保險科技新聞之應用
    Exploring text summarization with interaction on InsurTech news
    Authors: 郭宗翰
    Kuo, Tsung-Han
    Contributors: 林怡伶
    Lin, Yi-Ling
    Kuo, Tsung-Han
    Keywords: 使用者互動
    User interaction
    Text summarization
    Competitor intelligence
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-10-05 09:01:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,保險業逐漸走向全面數位化,大數據、人工智慧、區塊鏈等先進技術。許多保險公司改變了原有的商業模式、流程和產品,以應對環境的動態變化。由於競爭關係發生了變化,新聞資訊對於保險公司的在變得更加重要。本研究致力於開發一個可以幫助使用者整理資訊的系統,並包含文本摘要、交互過濾機制和標註關鍵字的註釋。我們透過實驗室實驗評估我們開發的系統,並測試我們的系統和使用者既有的習慣在不同面向的結果是否有所不同。這項研究的結果表明,我們開發的系統具有更高的生產力,我們的受試者可以通過我們設計的三個功能產生更多字數的摘要。此外,標註工具和關鍵字上色也有助於受試者閱讀文本內容。通過主觀問卷以及訪談,我們的系統被證明對使用者有用。
    The insurance industry in recent years has gradually been digitalized with the advance technology, such as the big data, AI, and blockchain. Many insurance companies had changed their original business model, process, and product to face the dynamic change in the environment. The news of insurance companies in the business context becomes more important since the competitive relationship has been changed. Our research is dedicated to develop a system to assist users to make a simple organization when they find some information. We also design the with three functions: text summarization, interactive filtering visualization, and annotation with specified keywords to help users when they read the textual content. A lab experiment was conducted to evaluate our developed system with specified tasks and measure the different dimensions of our developed system comparing with subjects’ familiar way to find information. The findings of this study show the more productivity in our developed system, which our subjects can produce more summary content with our three designed functions. Besides, annotation tool and highlight text also help subjects when they read the textual content. With the subjective questionnaires, our systems are proved to be useful for users.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109356031
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201574
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