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Title: | 軍中領導者的自我修鍊之旅: 從陌生到傳承 The Self-Cultivation of a Leader in Military : from Inexperience to Impartation |
Authors: | 郭先琛 Kuo, Hsien-Chen |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang, Tong-Yi 郭先琛 Kuo, Hsien-Chen |
Keywords: | 陌生經驗 自我民族誌 領導者特質 直接領導 間接領導 Strange experience Auto-ethnography Leader characteristics Direct leadership Indirect leadership |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-10-05 |
Abstract: | 這篇論文係以研究者生命故事為基礎,運用自傳式敘事為體裁的自我民族誌做為方法,探索研究者在戎馬生涯中,經歷軍校生、尉級、校級軍官三階段的職務轉換,從追隨者進階到領導者自我修鍊的旅程,這期間有許多的重大事件,逐步引導研究者從陌生到體悟領導要領。研究過程中,發現領導的學術研究已是汗牛充棟,但由於領導研究的本體是人,即使許多學者運用不同方法論,描繪不同角度的領導觀點,但也無法保證研究結論不會失真或為他人參用,畢竟人是具有高度自我思考及行為能力的物種,讓從事研究者無法窺其全貌,即使是第三者藉由深度訪談或鄉野調查記述的內容,亦恐多有認知落差之嫌,也正因為這種特性,所以在不同時代,仍有諸多領導或管理的研究持續進行著。 本研究並未採取大樣本數據的收集,亦無對第二、第三人稱的旁人實施深度訪談,只有個人與自己靈魂、當時環境的深層對話,所描述的部分場景,曾經走過的讀者會有共鳴,也可能有更精彩的回應,未曾有相似經驗者,會感到陌生或無法理解脈絡,這是自傳式敘事的特點,但研究者運用年表及時間軸,以深度直敘方式結合當時生活的重大事件,分階段呈現研究者修鍊領導心法的結果,讓讀者可以有脈絡且多層次的理解軍官養成過程,這也是本研究的貢獻。 軍事領導心法以自律、他律為雙核心,各自向外發展為自覺影響力及法定權力,自覺影響力奠基於慎獨、慎微、同理心、傾聽、關懷與一致觀念;法定權力則建構於憲法、陸海空軍刑法、懲罰法、營務營規的約束,兩者相互影響的加成效果,則是「其身正,不令而行」及「紀律嚴,令出必行」,若偏重於ㄧ方,都不是良好的領導觀念與行為。 Both auto-ethnographic and autobiographical narrative approaches are used in this article to describe the researcher’s military career based on his memories and experiences. There were three major phases in researcher’s military career,i.e. cadet,company-grade officer and field officer, during which he assumed different positions and got to learn many things form some important events.These great experiences were helpful for him to deepen the knowledge about leadership philosophy and to learn how to be a good leader from a follower. There has been a lot of studies on leadership philosophy and many methodologies have already been developed by scholars based on different viewpoints. However, the subject of leadership research is “people”, who having strong independent thinking and acting ability, consequently,it’s hard for researchers to provide the complete picture of leadership, even by the way of using the third-person point of view or the questionnaire, the outcomes of research might be somewhat distorted and having cognitive gaps.As such, the research and development of leadership are still ongoing up to now. This article did not use the methods of large samples and in-depth interviews with the second and third persons,simply by the way of describing researcher’s military career and focusing on the experiences learning from important personal events on different occasions.The researcher uses the auto-ethnographic method to describe his life story.Some of the stories mentioned may provoke a strong sense of emotional resonance amongst readers who having the same experiences, while the readers not having been down this road may feel strange and will be hard to understand the sequence of researcher’s ideas,which are considered as the characteristics of autobiographical self-narrative method. In this article,the researcher uses chronology and time-axis to explore his practical experiences in leadership philosophy. Combining with key events happened at different periods of time, this article provides a continuity and coherence between every chapter, hoping it will be easier for readers to have a good grasp of researcher’s ideas about the true meaning of leadership philosophy in the military. More importantly,this study contributes to provide a resource to build the knowledge base of the concept of Leadership Philosophy for readers. In the military, a leader must take both self-discipline and hetero-discipline as the core concepts, i.e. to place emphasis on both individual influence and legal rights The factors of individual influence include self-discipline, discretion, empathy, listening, loving care and consensus. However, the legal rights. must be based on the Constitution,Armed Foreces Criminal Act,Armed Forces Punishment Act and military internal management regulations. In a modern and effective military, the leader must be dedicated, honest, and morally upright. If the leader himself is upright, all will go well without giving orders. Otherwise, the leader must require the forces to be well-disciplined so as to actually carry out every order issued. Consequently, the self-discipline and hetero-discipline are of equal importance for effective leadership. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921201 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921201 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201500 |
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