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    Title: 數位長篇新聞協作與呈現的記者專家知識
    The Journalistic Expertise on Collaboration and Presentation of Digital Longform News
    Authors: 林芷圓
    Lin, Jhih-Yuan
    Contributors: 江靜之
    Chiang, Ching-Chih
    Lin, Jhih-Yuan
    Keywords: 數位長篇新聞
    Digital Longform Journalism
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:52:40 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   鑒於從傳統媒體背景出身的新聞記者,其有必要拓展個人原有的協作與呈現知識,才可能順利融入數位長篇新聞的產製環境。循此動機,本研究透過深度訪談八位目前在《鏡週刊READr》、《端傳媒》、《公視P#新聞實驗室》、《聯合報新媒體中心》負責產製數位長篇新聞的記者,瞭解其具體面臨何種「跨領域協作」、「內容呈現」所衍生的問題情境,以及如何發展相對應的解決策略,最終依此掌握數位長篇新聞協作與呈現的記者專家知識內涵。

    Journalists with traditional media background have to expand their expertise on collaboration and presentation, so that they can smoothly adapt themselves to the environment of producing digital longform news. Therefore, this study interviewed in-depth with eight journalists who work for media outlets including "Mirror Media," "Initium Media," "Public Television Service," and "United Daily News," currently in charge of producing news topic by digital longform. It enables the researcher to realize what kind of problems facing the journalists when dealing with “cross-disciplinary” and “content presentation” and how they find solutions to fix them. As a result, the researcher can realize the core concept of journalistic expertise on collaboration and presentation of digital longform news.

    First of all, this study has found that the journalists have to equip themselves with expertise on “communication and persuasion,” “basic knowledge in engineering and design,” and “project management and leadership” in order to maintain good working relationships with their team members, including engineers and designers.

    Secondly, with respect to content presentation, this study has proposed that the journalists are required to realize relevant knowledge about audience and the materiality of media. Based on these expertise, they can come up with how to present the digital longform news.

    Finally, the study points out that different kinds of expertise are interdependent with each other. Which means that journalists have to make choices and find balance between above-mentioned expertise. Hence, they can find ways to solve variety of problems facing them when making digital longform news.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108464032
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201454
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