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    Title: COVID-19的縱向研究 – 在蝦皮網站上影響社群商務意圖的因素
    A COVID-19 Longitudinal Study - the factors influencing social commerce intention on Shopee
    Authors: 郭哲宇
    Kuo, Che-Yu
    Contributors: 洪叔民
    Kuo, Che-Yu
    Keywords: 新冠肺炎
    Social Commerce
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:50:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社群電商就是電商加上社群,將電子商務功能徹底融入社群媒體。消費者可以直接透過社群媒體的平台將商品放入線上購物車,進行下單、付款的動作,在社群軟體上完成一連串所謂電子商務的消費活動。也可以利用社群平台擁有交流、溝通的特性,和其他使用者交換商品使用心得,並即時和店家方反映商品相關問題,達成多向互動。
    Social commerce means community plus e-commerce, integrating e-commerce functions into social media. Consumers can directly add products to their online shopping cart through the social media platform, place orders and make payments, and complete their e-commerce consumption behavior on the social software. Consumers can also take advantage of the social media platform`s communication features to exchange information with other users, and to immediately discuss product-related issues with the store to achieve multi-way interaction.
    According to the data from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the epidemic has changed the consumption pattern, and the proportion of the "electronic shopping and mail-order industry" rose again in 2021 and was estimated to account for 7.2% of the total retail industry, of which the number of Shopee users has increased over the years, and will become the object of this paper.
    This paper will focus on how the review function of Shopee and the search for products will change under the pressure of the epidemic. According to Kantar Group`s research, the main users of social media platforms, i.e. Generation Z, have more than 2 billion people worldwide, and 90% of Generation Y are social media users, which means that social media platforms are reaching more and more consumers. Therefore, this study can help companies understand the future trend of e-commerce business and provide management suggestions and directions for further research.
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