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Title: | 從顧客價值創造觀點探討退貨改善策略之研究 A Study on the Improvement of Returns Strategy from the Perspective of Customer Value Creation |
Authors: | 賴靜如 Lai, Ching-Ju |
Contributors: | 李易諭 賴靜如 Lai, Ching-Ju |
Keywords: | 退貨率 退貨政策 退貨服務品質 顧客忠誠度 電商服飾業 Product return rate Return policy Return service performance Customer loyalty Apparel e-commerce |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:48:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 如今線上購物已然成為許多人更為習慣的購物方式,但電商通路在為企業帶來效益的同時,對於忠實且完整呈現實體產品的資訊有其限制性,消費者無法實際確認產品資訊,可能致使消費者對於產品抱有錯誤的期待,期待與商品表現的落差不僅衍生出越發高漲的退貨率,也會降低顧客對企業服務的感知價值,而根據 Statista 2021 年的統計顯示,共有 88%的線上購物消費者表示過去曾經退貨過衣服類商品,遠高於其他的商品種類,故本研究希望能夠從零售服飾電商的角度切入,並選擇在台灣最早開始經營服飾電商品牌的零頭 O 公司作為個案公司進行研究,探討如何降低服飾電商退貨對企業顧客價值的影響。
本研究透過 O 公司所提供 2021 年 1 月至 10 月的一手退貨資料以及針對 O公司高忠誠度顧客進行訪談,瞭解 O 公司目前的退貨現況,並檢視 O 公人的退貨預防機制是否有效,進而提出退貨率改善建議,降低顧客期待與實體商品的落差。另一方面也透過分析顧客感知 O 公司的退貨政策合理性及退貨服務品質,來檢視當退貨發生後,O 公司如何將其視為服務補救能夠重新創造顧客價值的機會,透過其退貨服務來鞏固顧客忠誠度。
本研究發現,O 公司 80%以上的退貨都源自於消費者於訂購時對於尺寸及版型產生的期待與實際商品表現之間的落差,可善加利用顧客過去的訂單資料創造個人化的尺寸推薦系統來改善。另一方面,O 公司採行寬鬆的退貨政策,並具有另顧客滿意的退貨服務品質,受訪顧客表示 O 公司方便多元的退貨管道及寬鬆的退貨限制是吸引他們成為忠實顧客的主因之一,驗證了過去研究發現寬鬆退貨政策的制定及良好的退貨服務品質有助於提升顧客的忠誠度。 With the development of information technology, people are more and more used to shopping online through e-commerce platforms. However, while e-commerce channels bring benefits to enterprises, there are limitations to presenting the information of physical products completely and truly through online platforms which results in the gaps between customers’ expectations and the performance of the actual product and leads to the increasingly high return rate. Base on a report from Statista, the return rates on apparels are much higher than other kinds of products. Therefore, this study hopes to explore how to reduce the impact of returns on business from the perspective of apparel e-commerce. This study selected O Company, one of the leaders of apparel e-commerce brands in Taiwan, as the case company to study how to reduce the impact of returns on enterprises.
By analyzing the return records provided by Company O and interviewing high loyalty customers of the company, this research aims for understanding the effectiveness of the return prevention mechanism of Company O and how Company O managed to maintain the customers’ loyalty through its return service after a return occurs.
The result of this research indicates that over 80% of Company O`s returns are due to the gap between the actual product performance and consumers` expectations toward size and pattern during the purchasing stage. It is suggested that Company O make good use of the historical purchase data to develop personalized size recommendation system to lower its return rate. On the other hand, Company O adopts a lenient return policy and provides the return service with high quality that increases customers’ satisfaction. The interviewed customers said that Company O’s convenient and diverse return channels and lenient return policy are one of the main reasons for them to become loyal customers which is consistent to the past research about how the lenient return policy and good return service performance can helpimprove customer loyalty. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 109363005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109363005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201208 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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