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Title: | 網路服務提供者著作權民事侵權免責條款之研究 ―以歐盟與美國法為借鏡 A Study on Civil Liability for Copyright Infringement of Internet Service Providers: A Comparative Study of Europe, USA, and Taiwan |
Authors: | 莊佩芬 Chuang, Pei-Fen |
Contributors: | 宋皇志 Sung, Huang-Chih 莊佩芬 Chuang, Pei-Fen |
Keywords: | 網路服務提供者 著作權避風港條款 著作權單一市場指令 數位服務法 數位千禧年著作權法第512條調查報告 通知取下 通知不再上架 Internet service provider Safe harbor Digital Single Market Digital Services Act Section 512 study Notice-and-takedown Notice-and-staydown |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:43:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 二十世紀末著作權避風港條款之增訂,明確化網路服務提供者之責任,並為其發展帶來養分。隨著科技發展,網路平台逐漸壯大,儼然成為生活不可或缺的部分,而維持現況下對網路服務提供者較寬鬆之責任限制,是否依舊能有效地在著作權人、網路服務提供者,乃至使用者權利義務之間取得平衡?我國於2009年引入美國著作權避風港條款之規定,近期國家通訊傳播委員會則積極研議增訂「數位中介服務法」,相關政策應如何修正、責任如何分配方為妥適,為本文想探究的問題。 歐盟因應數位環境變革,增訂了著作權單一市場指令、數位服務法等規範,重塑歐盟單一市場內網路平台之監管。美國則回應著作權人改革法規之呼聲,發布了著作權局DCMA第512條調查報告。本文進一步研究歐盟、美國法制,比較分析兩國在網路服務提供者類型、通知流程、重複侵權政策以及其他義務規範之異同,並對我國法制提出建議。 本文認為我國著作權法應維持現有「通知∕取下」流程,但應調整通知回復機制,並協助發展權利人認證系統。而針對網路服務提供者之監管,本文認為應採取區分監管方式,方能有效因應網路服務之不同特性而有適切之規範,而課予額外義務時,亦應同時注意小型網路服務提供者之保護。 In 1998, the amendment of Digital Millennium Copyright Act established the responsibilities of Internet service providers and thus fostered their development. With the rapid development of technology, internet service providers have become indispensable in day-to-day life. The issue regarding whether the current limited liability framework on internet service providers can still strike a balance between copyright owners, internet service providers and the users arises. This paper would set to analyze and explore the possibility on revising the relevant policies and relocating the responsibilities subject to internet service providers . In response to the changes in the digital environment, EU has adapted the Digital Single Market Directive, the Digital Services Act, aim to reshape the supervision of online platforms in the EU single market, while United States released the DCMA Section 512 report. This paper further studies the legal systems of the European Union and the United States, compares and analyzes the similarities and differences between the two countries, and finally comment on the legal system of Taiwan. This paper argues that the Copyright Act should maintain the existing notice-and-takedown process, but should adjust the notification response mechanism and assist on the development of the right holder authentication system. As for the supervision of Internet service providers, this paper believes that a differentiated supervision method should be adopted to effectively meet the different characteristics of Internet services. Moreover, the size of internet service providers should also be taken into account when imposing additional obligations. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 107364210 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107364210 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201388 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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