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    Title: 陸生題材VR創作《投奔陸海》 創作闡述
    Virtual Reality’ s Creation and Discussion of “ The Other Shore ”
    Authors: 陳臣
    Chen, Chen
    Contributors: 陶亞倫

    Tao, Ya-Lun
    Li, Tsai-Yen

    Chen, Chen
    Keywords: 陸生
    Mainland China Students
    Ethnic Identity
    Virtual Reality
    The Other Shore
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:41:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣大專院校主要有四種不同身份的「境外生」——僑生、港澳生、外籍生、陸生,在其中,又以陸生的身份最為特殊。陸生政策是兩岸關係全勝時期的產物,陸生來台雖然是為了學習,然而這個族群卻承擔著遠非自身可以掌控的命運和限制。一方面,兩岸的陸生政策,需要仰仗兩岸關係的陰晴圓缺,致使陸生夾身其中,成為雙方政治博弈的「棋子」;另一方面,陸生亦如櫥窗裡的「盆景」,只能謹小慎微地活在三限六不的種種限制中,這些限制仿佛一直在跟陸生強調,你跟我們不一樣,這裡不是你的「家」。
    「夢裡不知身是客」,有鑒於在台陸生如「棋子」與 「盆景」般的族群境遇,我希望透過VR作品《投奔陸海》,將族群議題與VR藝術結合起來,不僅呈現作為個體陸生的我,在台經歷的所思所感,也表現陸生這一特殊群體,在檯面臨的族群境遇,同時,透過VR藝術特有的感官和互動體驗,更深入地引導觀眾走入陸生群體的心靈和回憶,設身處地地感受陸生們在台灣存在過、生活過、深愛過的痕跡。
    There are four main types of overseas students in Taiwan’ s colleges and universities : overseas Chinese students, Hong Kong and Macao students, foreign students, and Mainland China students. Among them, Mainland China students may be the most special group. Mainland China students’ policy is the product of two-strait relations and history. Although Mainland China students came to Taiwan for study, this group’s destiny and constraints are far beyond their control. On the one hand, Mainland China students` policy rely on the bleakness relationship of two-strait, making Mainland China students become a “chess piece” in the political game between two sides. On the other hand, they must abide by the “three limits and six irregularities”. These constraints seem to have been emphasizing to Mainland China students that they are different from other people in Taiwan, and Taiwan is not Mainland China students’ home.

    “I don’ t know I’ m a guest in my dream”. In view of the “chess pieces” and “bonsai” situation of Mainland China students living in Taiwan, I hope to combine ethnic issues with VR art through the VR creation “The Other Shore”. I hope this work not only can present my thoughts and feelings as an Mainland China student living in Taiwan, but also show the overall situation of all the Mainland China students. At the same time, I hope that through the unique immersion and interactive features of VR art, I can guide the audience more deeply into the hearts and memories of the Mainland China students, and better understand their traces of living and studying in Taiwan.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107462014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201412
    Appears in Collections:[數位內容碩士學位學程] 學位論文

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