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    Title: 運用傳統格式之英文詩教導台灣國小學童英文閱讀與寫作: 三位國小四年級學童英文詩探索的個案研究
    Using Formal Poetry in Teaching English Reading and Writing to Elementary School Students in Taiwan: A Case Study of Three Fourth Graders` Exploration of Poetry
    Authors: 王麗卿
    Wang, Li-Ching
    Contributors: 施堂模
    Thomas J. Sellari
    Wang, Li-Ching
    Keywords: 英語為外語的教學情境
    Formal English poetry reading and writing instruction
    EFL English learning
    English songs and nursery rhymes
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:41:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著英文歌謠和韻文普遍被運用在國小英語教學上,很多研究證明了英文歌謠及韻文確實有效地提升了台灣國小學童對聲韻的認知和學習英文的動機。然而,這些研究同時也指出,過去教科書中歌謠韻文的教學設計未能充份反映出文化教學的層面及聽說讀寫的比重分配,尤其是完全忽略了英文寫作的重要性。還有研究發現,隨著學童年紀增長和英文能力提高,他們漸漸對於以唱遊為主的教學法失去了興趣,而有強烈表達情感和想法的渴望。本研究採用傳統格式之英文詩來教導中高年級學童學習英文閱讀與寫作,讓三位四年級的學童在一年之內閱讀六首以傳統格式書寫的英文詩,其中不乏一些舉世聞名的經典英文詩,而且在讀完每首詩之後讓他們進行類似主題的英文詩創作。本研究發現,透過這些具備與英文歌謠韻文之富有節奏與韻律等相同特質的傳統格式的英文詩,這三位國小學童不僅學到詩中的文法、單字和韻律,而且能寫出精練且富有感情、觀察力、想像力和具有批判思考的英文詩篇。同時本研究也探討三個議題: 1.在英語為外國語(EFL)的學習情境當中,英語教師如何運用傳統格式之英文詩來教導國小學童;2.三位國小學童如何創作英文詩,以及他們的英文詩的內涵和格式;3.三位國小學童對學習傳統格式之英文詩的看法和態度。希望透過本研究,英文教育工作者和教育當局能重視傳統格式的英文詩的運用,來提升國小學童的英文閱讀和寫作能力。
    With the wide use of English songs and nursery rhymes, lots of research has proved that English songs and nursery rhymes can effectively improve elementary school students` phonological awareness and motivation toward English learning. However, those studies also show that the curriculum design of songs and rhymes do not reflect the cultural concept and the balanced proportion of the four skills. Especially, it totally ignores the importance of written English. Moreover, when the students get older and their English proficiency has been strengthened, they find songs and rhymes less appealing, and the needs of expressing feelings, thoughts and ideas about what is happening in their daily lives would be strongly projected in their learning process. Thus, this study uses formal English poetry that has the same features as songs and rhymes to teach three fourth-graders English reading and writing through learning six poems in a year, some of them are world-famous classic poems. This study found that the three fourth-graders could not only pick up the grammar structures, vocabulary and rhyme scheme, but can also write their own poetry which is refined, observant, perceptive, creative, and full of critical thinking. Meanwhile, this study also brought up three major issues to discuss: 1) How can formal English poetry be used to teach elementary school students in the EFL classroom; 2) How did the three fourth-graders create their own poetry, and what elements of poetry were used in their poems; 3) What perceptions and attitudes did the fourth-graders possess toward the formal English poetry. It is expected that through the findings and results revealed by this study, English educators and the authorities could start to pay attention to the effects and importance of using formal English poetry in teaching elementary school students. This study proved that formal English poetry is a practical approach and worth implementing in elementary-level educational settings.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104951008
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201319
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