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    Title: 桃園市國民中學校長正向領導、教師組織認同與工作投入關係之研究
    A Study on the Relationship among the Principals’ Positive Leadership, Teachers’ Organizational Identification, and Work Engagement of Junior High Schools in Taoyuan City
    Authors: 楊苓
    Ling, Yang
    Contributors: 郭昭佑
    Kuo, Chao-Yu
    Yang Ling
    Keywords: 正向領導
    positive leadership
    organizational identification
    work engagement
    junior high school
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:40:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探究國民中學校長正向領導、教師組織認同及教師工作投入之現況、相關情形及其結構模式。研究方法為文獻分析與問卷調查法。研究對象為桃園市國民中學教師,所得資料分別以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、SEM結構模式分析、bootstrap中介效果檢定等統計方法進行分析。
    This study is aimed to explore the current situation, correlation and structural models of the principals’ positive leadership, teachers` organizational identification and work engagement of junior high Schools in Taoyuan City. The research methods are literature review and questionnaire survey. The research objects are the teachers of elementary schools in Taiwan, and the data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, single factor anova, Pearson correlation analysis, structural equation modeling test, analysis of bootstrap mediation effect simulation.。
    Based on the research results and discussion, the following important conclusions are summarized as follows:
    1.The overall perception of principals` positive leadership is moderately high.
    2.The overall perception of teachers` organizational identification is moderately high.
    3.The overall perception of teachers` work engagement is moderately high.
    4.There are significant differences in the principals` positive leadership, teachers` organizational identification, and teachers` work engagement among teachers with different background variables.
    5.There is a significantly positive correlation among the variables of principals` positive leadership, teachers` organizational identification, and teachers` work engagement.
    6.Both principals` positive leadership and teachers` organizational identification can predict teachers` work engagement.
    7.Teachers` organizational identification is the complete media for the relationship between principals` positive leadership and teachers` work engagement.
    8.The theoretic modeling among the principals` positive leadership, teachers` organizational identification, and teachers` work engagement fits well.
    Finally, according to the research results, the recommendations were given to provide references for future studies.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108911003
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201206
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