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    题名: 地方創生台日比較―移居者遷移要因分析ー
    Comparison of the Regional Revitalization Policy in Japan and Taiwan - Research of the Impact of Migration Strategy on the Immigrant`s Motivation-
    作者: 比嘉彩央里
    Higa, Saori
    贡献者: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Higa, Saori
    关键词: 地方創生政策
    Regional Revitalization Policy
    Immigrant’s Motivation
    Migration Promotion Policy
    日期: 2022
    上传时间: 2022-09-02 15:40:21 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究的目的是確定促使人們遷移到農村地區的因素。日本和台灣實施區域振興政策,鼓勵人們從城市地區向新生兒率較高的農村地區轉移。本研究通過比較日本和台灣地區遷移農村的動機因素的模式,考慮政府的促進政策是否有影響。本研究的主體圍繞三個研究問題展開;首先,日本和台灣內部遷移的動機是什麼?其次,內部移民支持政策如何影響他們的決策?第三,日本和台灣未來內部移民政策的前景和挑戰是什麼?本研究在日本和台灣進行深度訪談,訪談結果採用主題分析方法分為主題組。因此,儘管日本和台灣存在不同的情況和挑戰,但研究結果表明兩國人民的移民動機存在一些共同模式。此外,結果表明,國內遷移的動機主要依賴於移民的個人主動性。
    The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that motivate people to migrate to rural areas. Japan and Taiwan have implemented regional revitalization policies to motivate people to move from urban areas to rural areas with a relatively high rate of newborns. In this study, with comparing the patterns of the factors of motivation for migration to rural areas in Japan and Taiwan, considering if there are impacts of the government’s promotion policy. The main body of this study was conducted as following the three research questions; first, what were the motivated factors for internal migration in Japan and Taiwan? Second, how had the internal migration support policy influenced their decision-making? Third, what are the prospects and challenges of internal migration policy in the future in Japan and Taiwan? This study conducted In-Depth Interviews in Japan and Taiwan, the results of the interviews were categorized into theme groups using thematic analysis methods. As a result, although there were different situations and challenges in Japan and Taiwan, the research finding indicated some common patterns of the people’s motivations for migration in the two countries. Additionally, the results showed that the motivation for internal migration mainly relies on the immigrants’ individual initiative.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109926007
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201294
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