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Title: | 臺北市亡故榮民大陸配偶的生活困境與福利輸送 Life Difficulties and Welfare Delivery for the Chinese Spouses of Deceased Veterans in Taipei |
Authors: | 劉又慈 Liu, Yu-Tz |
Contributors: | 蔡培元 Tsai, Pei-Yuen 劉又慈 Liu, Yu-Tz |
Keywords: | 亡故榮民大陸配偶 生活困境 福利輸送 榮民服務處 The Chinese spouses of deceased veterans Life difficulties Service delivery Veteran’s Service Center |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:32:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 早期因政府頒布禁婚令,使得許多士官錯過適婚年紀,老年無人照顧。雖然臺灣已開放外籍移工,然而因經濟難以負荷,許多榮民回老家以結婚為媒介找人回臺照顧。 目前針對榮民與大陸配偶之研究已相當多,然而以亡故榮民大陸配偶為對象之研究卻幾近於無。本研究採用質性研究法,以生命歷程的觀點,訪談了13位亡故榮民大陸配偶,以瞭解其所面臨之生活困境,以及使用福利所遭遇之限制,並訪談6位在榮民服務處之服務提供者,以瞭解工作人員提供服務之困境。 研究發現多數受訪者為了養育在大陸前段婚姻之子女,來臺找尋機會,卻因為法規的限制,及照顧榮民之重擔,使其難以就業,亦無法照顧子女,甚至使其晚年生活陷入困境。因長期與子女分離,造成家庭關係的隔閡,晚年無人照顧,只能獨自面對多面向之生活困境。使用福利時又遭遇可及性、可近性、適當性、連續性、充足性、可負擔性及可接受性等不同面向之障礙,使其使用福利過程受到限制。 另一方面在工作人員提供服務之過程,亦因政策設計致其提供服務過程受限、橫向組織間的協調不足使服務不連貫、政策執行者的態度不一使服務提供的內容深度不一,又因亡故榮民大陸配偶傾向自行解決生活上的問題,使得福利服務難以解決其生活困境。 In the early days, many non-commissioned officers missed the marriageable age due to the marriage ban introduced by the government, which has rendered them uncared for in their late adulthood. Although Taiwan has opened borders to foreign migrant workers, many veterans are unable to afford the cost and therefore have returned to their hometowns to find someone to provide care for them here in Taiwan through marriage.
A multitude of existing studies have focused on veterans and their Chinese spouses. However, little research has been conducted on the Chinese spouses of deceased veterans. In view of this gap, this study adopted the qualitative research method and interviewed thirteen Chinese spouses of deceased veterans from the life course perspective to understand the difficulties they face in life and the restrictions they encounter in using welfare. Moreover, six service providers at a veteran service office were interviewed to acquire an understanding of the challenges they have experienced in service provision. This study has found that most of the respondents came to Taiwan in search for opportunities with a view to raising their children from their previous marriage in China. However, because of legal restrictions and the burden of attending to the veterans, they have experienced difficulties in securing employment and taking care of their children, and even found themselves in a predicament at their advanced years. The long-term separation from their children has resulted in family estrangement. With no one around to take care of them in their late adulthood, these Chinese spouses have to address the multifaceted plight of life singly. In addition, they have encountered barriers to the use of welfare in diverse aspects, including availability, accessibility, appropriateness, continuity, adequacy, affordability, and acceptability, which has subjected them to limitations during the process of welfare use.
On the other hand, service providers reported that policy design has limited their service provision. Inadequate horizontal coordination between organizations disrupts the uncontinuity of service provision and the disparate attitudes of policy executors have resulted in varying depths of service offerings. Apart from these challenges, the Chinese spouses of deceased veterans themselves are inclined to solve their life problems by themselves, which has made it even more challenging for welfare services to benefit them. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 社會工作研究所 1032640081 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1032640081 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201433 |
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