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    Title: 家庭倫理價值與態度對探視父母親頻率的影響
    The Influence of Family Ethical Values and Attitudes on the Frequency of Visits to Parents
    Authors: 林彥廷
    Lin, Yen-Ting
    Contributors: 鄭輝培
    Cheng, Hui-Pei
    Lin, Yen-Ting
    Keywords: 孝道觀念
    Filial piety
    Family value
    Frequency of visiting parents
    Intergenerational exchange
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:31:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究使用「華人家庭動態資料庫」中的問卷資料,並以迴歸估計做為研究方法,主要討論青年子女們的家庭倫理價值與態度,特別是其中的孝道和家庭觀念,對子女們回去探視雙親們,是否具有顯著的影響力。從本文的實證結果中我們發現,不論是青年子女們的孝道和家庭觀念,都會正向顯著的影響他們回去探視雙親的頻率,這代表當子女們在主觀上越認同部份的孝道與家庭觀念時,會正向顯著影響他們對雙親的互動和關係;另外也發現,影響青年子女探視雙親們的孝道觀念變數,相較比家庭觀念的變數還多,這代表相較於子女們的家庭觀念,有可能是較受他們的孝道觀念所驅動回去探視雙親,本研究推測,這也許是因為孝道觀念,是屬於一種下對上的價值,但家庭觀念是屬於一種與平輩之間的價值所導致的結果。
    By utilizing the data from Panel Study Family Dynamics (PSFD) dataset in Taiwan, this study discusses whether young children`s family ethical values and attitudes, in particular filial piety and family values, have a significant influence on children`s visiting their parents. We find that young children`s filial piety and family values significantly positively impact the frequency of seeing their parents. Moreover, the frequency of visiting parents may mainly be motivated by filial piety rather than family values. The findings may be because the concept of filial piety belongs to the lower-to-upper value, but the family concept belongs to the idea between peers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109255025
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201270
    Appears in Collections:[財政學系] 學位論文

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