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Title: | 循環經濟指標與永續ETFs Circular Economy Indicators and Sustainable ETFs |
Authors: | 雷閔凱 Lei, Min-Kai |
Contributors: | 林其昂 Lin, Chi-Ang 雷閔凱 Lei, Min-Kai |
Keywords: | 循環經濟 循環經濟指標 指數股票型基金 永續發展 循環經濟國民所得帳 Circular economy Circular economy indicators ETFs Sustainability Circular Economy National Income Accounting (CENIA) |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-09-02 15:30:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 透過發展循環經濟來推動永續發展雖然更為具體可行,但由於概念上的分歧,造成實踐與評估上仍存在許多困難。因此,本文將循環經濟指標作為主題,回顧循環經濟及其環境影響的相關指標,並著重於Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) 發布的原料循環指標 (Material Circular Indicator, MCI)、Circle Economy發布的循環差距報告 (Circularity Gap Report, CGR) 所採用的評估模型以及Lin (2019, 2020) 具里程碑意義的循環經濟國民所得帳架構作為主要探討的對象,剖析這三個指標如何掌握循環經濟的發展趨勢。這三者分別是評估產品或公司等較小規模資源及原料流動的指標、以全球規模評估循環經濟如何改變溫室氣體排放的模型及以國民所得帳及國內生產毛額 ( Gross Domestic Product, GDP ) 架構為基礎,可作為未來各國評估循環經濟及永續發展的經濟指標。 為了進一步推動永續發展,金融市場的參與及配合是必須的,指數股票型基金 (Exchange Traded Fund, ETF) 作為一種可根據不同主題及策略進行投資的金融產品,已經與眾多永續主題如環境、社會及公司治理 (Environmental, Social, and Governance,ESG) 相結合,經過收集國內外資料,可知雖然許多評估循環經濟的指標已經出現,國內依然缺乏以循環經濟作為基礎的指數及衍生品。ETFs具股票市場的便利及基金的多元化等特性,是最可能與循環經濟架構接軌的金融產品,然而目前國內仍然沒有相關產品被設計。因此本研究綜合考量循環經濟的重要性,提出應該以循環經濟指標來建構指數,並進一步設計ETFs及其他衍生品,以順利推動循環經濟、永續發展及金融投資三者之間的交流。 To implement circular economy strategies, it is necessary to develop adequate indicators to evaluate the performance of the circular economy for various dimensions of the economy. In this regard, this research introduces three major circular economy indicators, namely, the Circularity Gap, Material Circularity Indicator (MCI), and Circular GDP, and analyzes their respective approaches and characteristics. The first Circularity Gap Report was published in 2018 by the Circle Economy and has grown into the Circularity Gap Reporting Initiative. The MCI was first developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in 2015 and has become a basis for further indicators covered by Circulytics, also developed by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The Circular GDP was first described in Lin (2019, 2020) and the Circular Economy National Income Accounting (CENIA) can be readily adopted to explore the regenerative capacity of an economy, i.e., a country, a city, or a region, within a given time period. To promote the circular economy and sustainability, the emergence of sustainable exchange traded funds (ETFs), i.e., financial index-tracking instruments for sustainability, has become more significant and straightforward. Since sustainable ETFs are not derivatives, they can be timely traded using existing systems once they are identified and listed in the market. To meet the growing demand for sustainable ETFs, this research proposes several new indices for sustainable ETFs based on the aforementioned three circular economy indicators. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 財政學系 109255023 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109255023 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202201264 |
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