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    Title: 智慧綠能農牧場創新營運模式之成本有效性分析:經理者 vs. 全社會觀點
    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Innovative Operation Model in Smart Green Energy Farms and Ranches: Manager`s Perspective vs. Societal Perspective
    Authors: 江約珥
    Chiang, Yue-Er
    Contributors: 許志義
    Hsu, Jyh-Yih
    Chiang, Yue-Er
    Keywords: 智慧綠能農牧場
    Smart Green Energy Farm
    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
    Energy Storage Systems
    Renewable Energy
    Distributed Energy
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-09-02 15:26:03 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著2050年淨零碳排的目標在世界各國中逐漸成為共識,能源轉型議題成為了各國的首要之務。電力產業的主要供應者,由非再生能源為主的大型集中式電廠,須逐漸轉向朝著以再生能源為主,小型的分散式電源為主。而農牧業通常具有土地面積相對遼闊,建築物相對較大的特性,於是各國政府也積極推廣農能共構的概念,將綠色能源相關之設施系統導入於農牧業之場域中。
    本研究在此背景下,聚焦於溪心壩農牧場。發現該實證場域內,超約罰金之情形嚴重,且其每日負載曲線呈現明顯尖、離峰差距極大的問題。以此為動機,本研究以成本有效性之方式,分別由農牧場經理者之觀點,以及全社會之觀點,分析農牧場在以下三種模擬情境下之各項成本和收益:情境一、分析未導入任何綠能設施,更改契約容量之效益;情境二、模擬導入小型綠能設施,分析是否具成本有效性;情境三、模擬將實證場域打造為淨零能源智慧綠能農牧場(Net-Zero-Energy Smart Green Farm),分析是否具有成本有效性。
    As the goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 has gradually become a consensus among countries around the world, the issue of energy transition has become a top priority for all countries. The main supplier of the power industry, large-scale centralized power plants using non-renewable energy sources, must gradually shift towards renewable energy-based distributed power sources. Agriculture and animal husbandry usually have relatively larger areas or barns. Therefore, governments around the world are promoting the concept of agrivoltaic systems, introducing green energy systems into the field of farms and ranches.
    In this context, this study focuses on the NCHU Hsi Hsin Pa Farm. It is found that in this empirical field, the peaks exceed the Taipower’s contract capacity almost every month. In addition, two main electricity consumption peaks occurs each day, while the peaks exceed a lot from the trough. Taking this as the motivation, this study adopts the cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA),analyzing the costs and benefits of farms and pastures in the following three simulated scenarios, from both manager’s perspective and societal perspective: in Scenario I, without introduction of any green energy facility, we analyze the benefit of changing the contracted capacity; in Scenario II, we simulated introducing small-scale green energy facilities, and analyze whether it is cost-effective; in Scenario III, we analyze whether it is cost-effective to build this empirical field in to a Net-Zero-Energy smart green farm.
    The results show that from both societal and managers’ point of views, among all the other alternative strategies, the most cost-effective one happens in Scenario III, in which the farm should build 337 kW of solar panels in order to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The most effective strategy is for the farm to seek for an green-power retailer and sell all the green electricity produced by the PV systems, without building any energy storage systems. At the same time,the farm should set a regular contract capacity of 119 kW, and adopt the three block TOU rate in order to obtain the highest benefit.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109258012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202201315
    Appears in Collections:[經濟學系] 學位論文

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